Episode 71

Published on:

1st May 2024

071: Vibrational Alignment, Energy, and Intuition with Laura O'Malley

In a world that constantly oscillates between skepticism and belief, the mystical realm offers an intriguing blend of magic, energy, and pure consciousness that captivates the seeker in all of us. This fascination was at the heart of an enlightening conversation with Laura O'Malley, a spiritual intuitive and psychic channel.

The conversation dives deep into the essence of vibrational alignment, discussing the physical and spiritual sensations that accompany both harmony and discord in one’s energy field. Laura shared her insights on the significance of intention and the profound impact of meeting energy with energy, emphasizing the transformative power of understanding and tuning into one's vibrational state.

Laura shed light on an intriguing shift in consciousness, highlighting the unique vibrational signatures of younger generations. She spoke about these individuals as "different human beings" who are bringing about planetary shifts, simply by existing in a more open, seeking state than those before them. This narrative not only acknowledges the evolving human consciousness but champions the role of emerging generations in fostering widespread spiritual awakening.

In exploring what mysticism means to Laura, the discussion unveiled a perception of the mystical as not just an exploration of the unknown but as a reconnection to the omnipresent magic of the world. Laura's perspective turns the mystical into something tangible, accessible, and inherently linked to the essence of happiness and joy. This redefinition of mysticism underlines the potential for an enriched, vibrant experience of life that is available to everyone, not just those who identify as spiritually inclined.

Highlighting the concept of emotional guidance, Laura explained how every emotional response serves as direct feedback from our higher selves regarding our alignment with our true nature. This perspective offers a liberating view of emotions as indicators and guides rather than obstacles, encouraging individuals to engage more consciously with their emotional landscape.

We talk about:

  • 00:00 Intro
  • 01:57 The Power of Intention and Energy Exchange
  • 02:49 Demographics and the Importance of Energy Awareness
  • 05:47 Understanding Mystical Experiences and Vibrational Levels
  • 11:56 The Concept of Source Energy and Personal Power
  • 16:37 Navigating Life's Path: Guidance, Free Will, and Vibrational Alignment
  • 22:04 The Role of Guidance in Our Lives and the Power of Awareness
  • 28:08 Understanding Our Connection with Source and the Universe
  • 29:02 Embracing Our Truth and the Journey of Awakening
  • 34:46 Understanding Emotional Reactions and Vibrational Levels
  • 35:28 The Power of Awareness and Choice in Emotional Responses
  • 36:36 Navigating Fear and Emotions with Conscious Awareness
  • 40:33 Embracing Fear as Guidance and Information
  • 44:23 The Journey of Emotional Awareness and Growth
  • 55:16 Channeling and the Spectrum of Emotions

Resources mentioned in this episode:

About the Host: 

Maureen Spielman is the Founder of Mystical Sisterhood, a podcast dedicated to bringing more joy, healing and expansion to the world. She is a seasoned life coach who supports individuals through one-on-one coaching, groups and workshops. 

Connect with Laura 

Connect with Maureen 

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About the Podcast

Mystical Sisterhood
Mystical Sisterhood is a celebration of women interested in connection to themselves, community, and the Universe. If you are a woman seeking conscious conversations on modern spirituality, understanding your soul’s journey, contemplating new directions in life, and mystical practices, you are in the right place!

The weekly podcast is hosted by Maureen Spielman, a Transformational Life Coach, trained in the Art and Practice of Spiritual Psychology, as well as Integrative Wellness and Conscious Parenting.

Maureen boldly invites the questions we only feel safe enough to ask in the community of other curious women ready to shift the current paradigm and soar. These curated conversations marry what we think of as our mainstream lives with the mystical.

Each episode infuses everyday women with the strength and clarity to rise above the self-limiting beliefs we have all heard on repeat in our heads so we can step into the limitless possibilities for shining and thriving in this lifetime.

Through interviews with healers, intuitives, and other courageous women doing the work of developing our inner lives, Maureen explores how to leave the lack dance behind, reclaim our worthiness, honor our intuition, and let the light in so we can more clearly see the light in others (and ourselves).

If you want to join this global movement of healers and seekers creating a new paradigm convened by an authentic woman who embodies the transformation practices she promotes, subscribe and listen to the Mystical Sisterhood podcast today.

Follow Maureen on Instagram @maureenspielman
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Maureen Spielman

Maureen Spielman is the Founder of Mystical Sisterhood, a podcast dedicated to bringing more joy, healing and expansion to the world. She is a seasoned life coach who supports individuals through one-on-one coaching, groups and workshops.