Episode 8

Published on:

15th Feb 2023

8: Running Your Life And Business Wisely with Becca Wiser & Leah Wiser

In today’s episode I interview Becca Wiser & Leah Wiser, identical twin sisters who are the founders of A Wiser Website and the Womaze app. A Wiser Website is truly a modern day business backed by these two powerful women. Growing up in a home where open minds & creativity were fostered, Becca and Leah were never ones to shy away from a challenge. Becca & Leah approach their businesses with intentionality and deep wisdom. The manner in which they run their business and live their lives is truly inspirational for us all!



●     Recognition that it is a brave and vulnerable process to create your website/brand

●     Why Becca & Leah’s work is only a part of who they are and their dreams

●     Why your online presence is important to reflect your highest expression

●     What it means to run a soul-centered business

●     The honest truth about the importance of mental health

●     How challenges can be the portal to our growth

●     The origin story of starting Womaze, a free app for mental health and self care


Mentioned Resources:

Womaze App https://womaze.com/


About the Guest:

Twin-sisters and creative partners, Rebecca and Leah Wiser are the founders and principal designers of A Wiser Website. Since day one of launching AWW, the sisters have been committed to creating a stress-free, seamless, and concierge experience for their clients. Their love of beautiful design paired with their passion for helping people create thriving businesses is what fuels them every day. 

As fierce advocates for mental health, Rebecca and Leah are also co-founders of Womaze, a free app for emotional well-being that has been featured in Forbes, NBC, and CBS News. 

The duo currently live in Washington DC and hail from Sunny South Florida. 

Instagram @awiserwebsite

Website https://www.awiserwebsite.com/


About the Host:

Maureen Spielman is the Founder of Mystical Sisterhood, a podcast dedicated to bringing more joy, healing and expansion to the world. She is a seasoned life coach who supports individuals through one-on-one coaching, groups and workshops. Connect with Maureen:

●     Check out her Instagram @maureeenspielman

●     Learn more about her work at www.maureenspielman.com

●     Email Maureen at hello@maureenspielman.com to inquire about coaching, podcasting & speaking engagements


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Maureen Spielman:

Hi, I'm Maureen Spielman, and this is mystical sisterhood. I'm a soul Care Coach and lifelong learner committed to creating conscious conversations around joy and healing. Each week, I'll host healers, intuitives and other courageous women doing the necessary work of reclaiming our worthiness, honoring our intuition and letting the light in so we can more clearly see the light and others and ourselves. My intention is to plant the seeds that lead to insights and revelations. For you the listener, please join me in building this global magical sisterhood. And thanks for being here


welcome back to

Maureen Spielman:

mystical sisterhood, where joy healing and community meet. Today's guests are Becca and Leah wiser, the amazing sisters who run a wiser website, a wiser website is full service offering custom website design, branding and strategy, copywriting and content and search engine optimization, it's probably only a few things that you guys really do. And Becca and Leah are also the CO creators of will amaze an app available for free download. It covers so much goodness that I can't even begin to say right now, everything it encompasses. But we're going to talk about that today, too. So as an introduction, Becca, and Leah approached me almost two years ago, and said, Hi, this is who we are, are you by any chance looking for a website redesign? And it came into my inbox at the perfect time. And I think if I remember correctly, I was an immediate Yes, I knew that. I was very aligned with Becca and Leah. And I knew that the sort of what they were offering was exactly what I needed at that time to get my message across, I guess, is the easiest way to say it. So they've been by my side, and are helping me grow the dream of mystical sisterhood. And they're one of the first people that I told, Hey, guys, what do you think about this? And it's been a resounding yes. From them constantly since that time. So for that, I'm so grateful. And thank you. And I feel that you're really my soul partners on this journey. So as you're getting to know me in this podcast, my listeners is that my intention really was primarily joy and healing and community. But the other thing that I'm really tapped into, is supporting women, women owned businesses, women working with deep intention about how they want to serve and support and really kind of be there for each other to look at, oh, this is what she's doing over here, or what they're doing over here, how can we just be in the energetic Space of Creation, and support our each other's growth and transformation. And we know any of us that are on or any of you listeners that are on a journey of creating something new in your life, it is quite a journey. And it's got stops and starts and growth and step back and figuring a lot out. So we really need each other in this space as well. So I want to say a big welcome to Becca and Leah. And let's dive right in. So we can start with just tell us about yourself and and how you came to be here and what your business is all about to begin with.


Yes, well, first of all, that was such a beautiful, beautiful introduction. And I really do believe that we meet exactly who we're meant to me in this world. And it's no accident that we connected. And it's been such a blessing to see you evolve and to witness mystical sisterhood being brought to life. So I just want to say thank you for for letting us be a part of this journey. Thank you as a huge inspiration to us. And we're just so honored to be here.

Maureen Spielman:

Oh, wow. Me too.


Yeah. And to answer your question, so kind of how did we get to this place? There's so many, so many parts that lead to that answer. It's probably one of the big questions that we're always asking ourselves, right, as human beings like, who am I? Well, I'll try to sum it up. So we're sisters. We're twin sisters. We're the founders of the Wiser website, like you said, and I really do see that as just a kind of a small part of who we are, right. I think something that we all talk about is we're souls we come into this body, we have different experiences. And one of the things that we're doing on this planet is helping people bring their dreams to life. And a huge part of that is through how they're presented online. So we live in a world where pretty much the first thing that I definitely do, and that a lot of people I would imagine do is, when we hear about something new, we go online, we search it immediately, and we find out about it. And that's why it's such a gift to be able to help our clients brand themselves and present themselves online, through their websites, through their branding, through their marketing in a way that really reflects their highest expression. I think so often, when we're able to walk through the world, whether it's, you know, and how we present ourselves physically and online, when we feel really confident about how we're being shown, we just we present ourselves in a different way. And I think even just seeing how you've evolved over the past few years, and seeing the transformation that's taken place, not on your website, on your social media, that's, that's truly a reflection of you internally in the fact that you're stepping into your power you're being seen, and you're letting yourself be seen and share your message. So that's a huge part of of what we

Maureen Spielman:

do. I love that so much. I think of right away that you have a very soul centric, Soul centered business model, which is a beautiful thing. And I think it's being called for now. And I think it's a it's such a invitation that you have there. For anyone that will decide to work with you. It's just like, we care about the client. So much like what you're saying is like, yes, there's this outer form world piece of what we need to do. But we are so much bigger than that. And I hear you saying that. Part of how you view even your business is, we're going to help escort you through that process. And we're going to tease apart those parts who that who you are, in order to let that part of you shine. And then I feel like that too. When you support people in doing that. It's just, it's just a like an avenue or a path for continued growth. It's like a really so so we can think about sometimes to like, people might walk through and say, Oh, I just need to make a website. But it's just not as simple as that it can be. But it can also be this really expansive experience.


Yeah, exactly. And we tend to attract clients who, who have similar philosophies and views and energies. So you're absolutely right. Sometimes a project could appear just, you know, come in for a website, need something to put online. But oftentimes the people that we work with, and you're the perfect example, you know, we do have a lot of just intentions and aspirations for who we are in this world. And a lot of that is just showcasing how we, how we do the whole website design process. It's like what you said before, we're we're partners, we're, we're on this journey together. And we're doing this from a really intentional place.

Maureen Spielman:

And it also feels so


values driven.

Maureen Spielman:

And so do you think about that, in your business? That, you know, here are our core values, because I hear you talking a lot about almost like more spiritual concepts and more expansive and abundant and supportive and connective. And so for you? What are the the kind of values that you to build built this company on?


Yeah, that's a great question. I think the main thing that we're always focused on is helping people feel supported. I think it's in whatever we do in life, I think that's really, at the core, we want to help people feel really taken care of. And right now it's through this oftentimes vulnerable experience of launching a website because, you know, it's, it can be vulnerable to put yourself out there and it is a brave thing. And we think that being on this journey with people as they really step into their power, it's such a, it's such an opportunity to really take care of people and to show them that they can do this and that it's exciting. And we're, we're right there along them, right right alongside them. And another really big value that we have is being very intentional with what we do. It's it's not about just creating an end result product. It's really about the entire experience, and making sure that throughout out the whole process of designing a website, it all feels very aligned to what the goal is. And, you know, we'll put on abundance frequencies and different things like that to really make sure that we're in a really positive headspace. Because it's also about the energy that we're putting behind the website, we're so aware of that it's the energy of the creation of the start of the new chapter for our clients, we want to make sure that we're setting the scene to really just create a lot of magic happen.

Maureen Spielman:

I love that, Leah, it's all so beautiful. And I like that visual of, it's not just like, Oh, we're at the computer doing these things and being creative, but it's an energetic space. So it's almost like for your clients. It feels very sacred. And it feels like you're holding an energy for them.


100% Yeah, it's something that we're entrusted with. And we take it very seriously. And we want to really make sure that, that we really honor that.

Maureen Spielman:

Yeah, I love that. And it makes me think of you said the word vulnerable, and how it is a vulnerable process. And for many of us, it is it can feel very exposing, it can. Like, wow, there was a time for me, you to know this, when I first went to start my business, I called it well, in the moment, I was in no way ready to use my name on that masthead, for that website. And at the time, a take you back only like two, two and a half years ago, that was you know, when you went in to do the redesign, for me, I was moving in my own mind toward towards that possibility of using my own name. But I really liked that part. Because people like even for our listeners, who are, are, you know, kind of maybe struggling with some of these things about what should I name it, and it's okay to name your business, something else. But it's also okay to step into that your name and a lot of people are doing that these days. So I know it can go both ways. But I just want to speak to our listeners that might be somewhere in that vulnerable process, and how you how you can see that for people and create a safety around it for them.


Yeah. Thank you for saying that. And, again, it's been such an honor to witness your evolution and you just fully owning you know, whether it's even using the name of who you are, I think it's been so inspiring for us. And it, it really, that's my favorite part of what we do just getting to witness our clients, just owning their value raising their prices, knowing their worth, and you are just such an inspiration to us.

Maureen Spielman:

Oh, thank you. Thank you. Yeah, and I think it's that piece to that. You. I'm thinking I had the experience. But when someone comes to you, you do you kind of like lay the seeds that you're kind of saying, Oh, we could do this or that. And then that gets into someone's mind as a possibility. And I always find that space between, like just the offering of something. And then it the light can come on it the people decide it's their process. Does that make sense? It's that path of growth almost. And meet them where they're at, I'm sure.


Yeah, partners with our clients, we don't see it as a only a business relationship. That's really we love motivating people. And we're, we're, we're big dreamers. So you know, being in high school or even younger, and our friends would express to us that they wanted to either start a business or do something that wasn't in the traditional realm of what either they or them their parents had envisioned for them. We've always been ones to just say, go for it. And wow, even even though it oftentimes can be unrealistic, a lot of the things that we we have ourselves been able to do and just the goals that we put in place are often too I guess, society standards, maybe unrealistic, but we've always been ones to just kind of try to go past what you know what might be expected or realistic and just go for it.

Maureen Spielman:

I love that Leah. It's so beautiful and it's we're conditioned. to believe that there's a ceiling that we can, you know, that is there and we can't go above it. And so that's an inspiration to me to to be talking with you today to be able to have the privilege of working with you. To know that you are dreamers, and you hold that space for people, that's huge. And I'm intrigued by the fact that that was something that came up for you. You remember, when you were younger? Do you think that that's something that was fostered in your house growing up? Or is it really just unique to the two of you? What do you think?


Definitely, I, we grew up in a home that was I guess, now it probably wouldn't be as unique. But we we were raised vegetarian since birth, we've never had me, we've, you know, grew up watching and listening to Wayne Dyer books and a lot of spiritual books and things that at the time our friends weren't necessarily exposed to. So we, we were always aware that there were kind of infinite possibilities, my parents definitely always had us dream, we were raised Jewish, and we're not religious, we're more spiritual. But my parents had a practice of having us keep Shabbat, which means that they, they wouldn't have us watch TV or be on any technology on Saturdays. And that was kind of the day that we would just all spend time together. And you would have to, you know, entertain ourselves without technology. And during that time, we would write stories, and we'd make up plays, and we weren't very creative. And we talked about that a lot. We reflect on that. Because I think having all of those Saturdays, throughout our childhood, we just had to get really creative and not rely on our iPads or on things that I think today, we're so plugged in, and I'm so grateful that we had the opportunity to experience some of our child's that are most emerging adulthood without just being plugged in. And now I'm hoping that I'm answering your question I'm getting

Maureen Spielman:

no know, it's great. Becca, I love it. And I didn't know that about the house that you grew up in, that it was a place that had a lot of possibilities, being sort of just this, again, the energy of that offering. And I do I I mean, you have your experience of whether or not people you've met along the journey, had those experiences, I think that they are harder to come by. And I think that it's one of those things right now. Because you to know that I started conscious parenting, I was thinking about it the other day, like, oh, there's just there is such a need for that. And, and also that idea of being unplugged in this time to dream. And I was thinking just recently too, that our kids need that things that calm their nervous system, like the younger generation now in the in the time away from the technology, but they also need the inspiration, to dream. And to be inspired. Because we were breaking out of this time where there are limits where they're like, people are beginning to know, the possibilities, but not I feel like not yet to the masses, they're still like in the ethers. It's not all out there. So the more of us who can kind of spread that message and spread the light. But I I love that too, just with your origin story of this really laid the foundation for who you are. And going back to you know, your beginning kind of intro of the business is part of our multi dimensional beings. But it's, it's it's a segment. It's not all who we are. It's what we do. But we do a lot of other things. And we are a lot of other things.


Exactly. Exactly. agree with you.

Maureen Spielman:

Yeah, yeah. So that really did come up and just influence what you're creating now. Yeah,


it definitely did. And I think, not to go off too far into a tangent. But I think one of the things that we reflect on a lot together, and I've definitely I'm a big advocate for therapy, and I've definitely, you know, spent quite a bit of time understanding this as well. But we were always raised knowing that, you know, as when my mom was pregnant with both of us, both of us Were very sick. And the doctors, you know, said that we probably wouldn't make it. And it was a very, very, not a good prognosis. And my mom, always from a young age, we knew that we were here for a reason, and that every human being on this planet is here for a reason. But, you know, for better or for worse, we were four years old, already knowing Okay, we have a mission on this planet, we are here for a reason. And, yeah, it's so true. Yeah,

Maureen Spielman:

that's to have that from a young age. I, I'm, it's funny, my kids are older now. And a lot of those things I'm learning in the last, you know, 567 years, kind of, and then that, and I'm implementing it more, because it's so necessary. And that that idea, that is something that you bring to your clients as well, that what is your uniqueness? What is your greatness? What is your zone of genius, like all those things, that you're seeking to kind of bring out? If it's, you know, in all those forms? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And that's such an inspiration, the two of you, too. I love hearing all the background. I don't I feel like it's, it's, it's so necessary to kind of understand and then yeah, just what you're creating is so beautiful. So then, I was just, I wanted to ask you, you know, what are the gifts of working together as sisters? Well, there's,


there's really so many, especially as twins, I think, it's, it's really all that we know, is working as a team from the time. We, you know, we're in existence, we've always had each other and I think, I think our relationship is something that we really value and we also work towards we we've been, I think being in business together is a really unique opportunity to become experts in communication, and be honest with each other, and really have an amazing foundation for our relationship. Because we value each other a lot. I think before, before we started this business, I think we wanted to make sure that the two of us felt really comfortable. And, and you know, that our relationship wouldn't be impacted in any way. Because it's an interesting thing doing that. And one of the gifts of being sisters, and working together is that we know each other so well, that we're also very aware of each other's strengths and weaknesses, and where maybe we might be able to fill in the gaps for each other. And Becca, Becca is a master at communication and, and relationship building and all of these amazing things that, that for me, I'm more of the creative side, I do more of the design and more of the visual aspect. And that's something that when the two of us come together, it's, it's amazing because we each have our own strengths. And we're able to really tap into that. And I think that's one of the reasons why we've been able to do what we do is because we're so familiar with each other's strengths, and we're able to to really amplify that in the business.

Maureen Spielman:

Yeah, I love that. Leah. It feels pretty magical to me.


Yeah, it's definitely we get into a flow state. And I think that's, that's always a great feeling, whether individually or collectively, when you're in that space where it's like time just doesn't. It just goes and you're like where did the time go? ends when we're when we're designing websites. And like Leah said, she's definitely more of the creative director and in spearheads that process. And when we do come together, and we designed together also, there's, there's just kind of a magic that happens. And sometimes, to an outsider, it might sound a little, you know, out there, but I think as twins we do communicate in almost a different way. And we just, like all forget if I said something out loud, or if I just like yeah, not necessarily that we're communicating telepathically. But there's definitely just a cool way that we can communicate creatively. And I also just want to emphasize like Leah said that it's definitely a practice as I do identical twins, it's very easy to be put into a box. And people can think that you're, you know, just kind of like the same person and don't really have your, your own traits. And we're very clear, you know, in our individual lives about building our own identities. But I think that there really isn't magic when it comes to the business. I think we do just make great business partners. And, and I think our clients benefit from that. So it's worked out really beautifully. And, you know, there's, there's definitely a lot more to come. Yeah,

Maureen Spielman:

I love it. I love it. And, and I'm thinking, too, you've been in business, I don't even know how many years it's been now. And, you know, when we think about the woman out there that has a dream that's untapped. So, you know, this is just about the dream that we have in our lifetime that maybe we've had whispers of, or, you know, you have a day job, but you're always attracted to that. And you, you just and then you think, Oh, I, I could never do that, or I couldn't possibly or, you know, what do you have to say to that person who has the dream and kind of just even from that place of the possibilities or that it's not a responsibility, but it is something that's calling out to be expressed? It's not just a dream. But yeah, can you kind of speak to that? Yeah,


I don't remember who said this quote. But it was something that really stuck with me. Unused creativity is not benign. That there is we were obligated, whatever is inside of us. There's, whether it's a creative expression, a message that we want to share. I do feel like, if it's held in, it's not good, just like how any suppressed feeling, or any suppressed, anything isn't good. I would also just say that compassion, that's my North Star, just self compassion, knowing that we live in a world that, especially for women, tells us from a very young age, that we need to follow the path that's been set out for us. So it's, the first thing is just compassion for understanding why we might have resistance to it in the first place. And instead of spiraling into shame, and being like, Why are all of these other people able to do it, and I'm, I'm scared, just really having compassion for that. And I'm so grateful for the many expanders in my life. And by expanders, I just mean people who have shown me what's possible. I'm both of us are 25. And ever since I was little, I was always wanting to speak to women who were older than me, I wanted to be in the conversations with my mom and her minds, I wanted to hear what they were talking about. I was always so intrigued, hearing them, hearing women of all different stages of life. Talk about things that if I can learn at an earlier age, you know, what would that what doors would that open? Wow. And one of the things that I would hear over and over again, is one, just the feeling of living life for other people, I would hear that again. And again, whether it's listening to my mom's friends, whether it's you know, I have friends of all different ages, I have friends who are, you know, in their 40s 50s 60s, I really value that. And whether it's listening to podcasts, there was such a core theme of women realizing at somewhat, you know, of a middle age or older on that they've been living for other people, and that they have these dreams that they haven't invested in yet. And I just think it's kind of like ripping off a band aid. And it's like, this illusion is shattered when you realize, Wait, the only thing that's really stopping me from giving myself a chance is, is me. Yes, there is no ideas and societal constructs. But at the end of the day, there's people out there doing it, you know, there's expanders that I can look towards, and say, okay, she's done it. They've done it. Maybe I can do it, too.

Maureen Spielman:

Yeah, Becca, that's amazing. Yeah. Yeah. And certainly.


I think something that that, you know, is isn't promoted as much is that it doesn't need to be this, at the beginning, at least this big grand gesture of quitting In your job and starting a new life, and you know how it looks in the movies, when when you have something on your heart, it doesn't matter. If you just take one small step every single day, you're still working towards that goal. So I think it's still brave to take small steps towards that goal. And I want to make sure that that's not overlooked, because I think that really does make a difference.

Maureen Spielman:

Yeah, Alia, I completely agree with that. And it's, yeah, it doesn't have to be the big colossal thing at the beginning. It could be, what are the two or three smaller things I can, can do? And it does. I feel like in that way, when we set the intention, and we make the small steps is that we're communing with the universe, that, you know, we're putting out our desire. And we're saying what we want and as women not being afraid to say it, and I love the message, because you are tuned in from a much earlier age than a lot of women. And you really heard that you heard that in a way you listen to the conversations and in thought, like, oh, how would this affect my life? And why? Why is this here for me? And then just knowing at a younger age that you could begin to awaken and awaken everything within you and begin to express it? It's so beautiful. Yeah, yeah. And I will have to tell you that when I did the conscious parenting Institute with Dr. Shefali, most of the women that come, she would say most of you are in your 50s, more like 40, or 50 is more than 40s. But in that age range, and I remember my cohort was really big, it was 140 people. And there were very, very, very few people in their 20s. And she'd say, you know, if, if that awakenings happening in the 20s, bravo, I mean, it's so beautiful, but I just listening to you share your story and all your values, and just the things that guide you is, gosh, I don't know how much speaking you're doing on stages or that kind of thing. But I would think that that could be really inspiring for, you know, different groups, and especially young women.


Yeah, I think one of the things that I think we've spoken about for sure, and I know about your own journey, is that sometimes challenges can kind of be the, the portal to a lot of awakening and growth. And I do feel a need to just mention that a lot of this understanding at a young age came from having a lot of anxiety and having health issues and having things that really forced me to have no other option to look within and start doing this work early, just because of whether it's you know, mental health. And like I said, I had a lot of health issues, autoimmune issues, and I can now reflect back and see, okay, that was just really forcing me to look within ASAP. In this lifetime, and that's something that I've been inspired by with your story too, that you've just really, you've taken opportunities that can be really challenging, and just made them so beautiful and rich, helping so many people because of

Maureen Spielman:

it. Yeah, yeah, it's such a good point, and that the things that we walk through, and they are there for the invitation to grow. And if we just are open to it just a little bit, you know, it's it can be the beginning of a lot of just inner evolution, and like you're saying, like, just creating, you know, one of my, I think my big overhead for me in this life is to be fully expressed to know that I was fully expressed, but also that that's for me, but on that inside just that safety of consciousness, and like you're talking about, like that self compassion and those qualities that really grow us on the inside, and then we can give more from such a full place. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah, I just wanted to touch upon your beautiful app. And if I'm saying it correctly, it's called a woman. Is that correct? Yeah. Yeah. Tell us about that.


Yes, so we're maze is a free app for mental health and self care. And I would definitely say that that was a catalyst for just so much personal growth and kind of our introduction into the world of launching a business launching a mission driven company, and we started the app about five years ago, I think it's been five years at this point with our mom and our younger sister. Our mom is trained as a mental health counselor. And it was just always a very big part of the conversation in our household just self esteem, confidence, anxiety, that was a normal part of the dialogue that we had in our house. That doesn't mean that we were exempt from anxieties. And we definitely still had our challenges, of course, just like any other team, and human being for that matter. But quite a few things led to us realizing, okay, let's start nap. And kind of going along with what we were talking about before with just doing it having an idea and having a dream and going for it. Leah and I were studying. And we were both in college at the time, we ended up synchronistically getting investors finding app developers, and everything kind of started falling into place, pretty miraculously, to be honest, and we ended up leaving college to pursue roommates full time. And throughout that whole experience, we're just able to reach. You know, so many people, especially during the pandemic, people are struggling with mental health. And I'm so proud of the work that we've been able to do and just so inspired by our community and the stories that we've heard. And I'm not sure if I mentioned this, but the app is completely free. So it's accessible for anyone that's on Apple and Android. And it's definitely been a beautiful, beautiful gift that we've been able to be a part

Maureen Spielman:

of. Yeah, yeah, I love it. It's got areas for mental health, body love, I think you've got spirituality, there's many categories that you can tap into. And then you have videos, I think, articles, and just really supporting documents. It's Yeah, whoo, have you found that the your target audience has been has it been younger women or individuals or wide range?


I think more than an actual demographic, it's more of a type of person who just wants support, and just wants to remember that they're loved and accepted and have tools to scroll through, we say that it's kind of like a positive. No, it's, it's a positive place to scroll. And more than positive also, because let me rephrase that. Because we're talking about hard things, too. We're talking about depression and anxiety, we're talking about mental health. It's, it's a space that's been curated for you, like you said, Maureen, it's videos, articles, podcasts, quotes, all these different tools from around the web that we are hand curating for our community. So just like how you would send, you know, a great podcast, like, like your, your new podcast or you to to a friend and say, Hey, I thought about you, I think this could really, you know, maybe bring you some insight. That's what this whole app is. It's really just friend, sharing with friends, things that we think will be helpful. And it's all organized by different categories, like you said, body image, we have a whole channel for spirituality, the channel for relationships, and it just encompasses a lot of the different aspects of life that we all go through. And you're able to make your own toolbox that you can go back to at any point. And it's just, it's, you know, I'm really proud of it. It's, it's an app that's just here to remind you that you're not alone.

Maureen Spielman:

Yes, yeah. I love that Becca. And just such gratitude for you creating it with your younger sister and your mom too. And that is probably one of the reasons that I align with you so much, both of you. And what you stand for is because you can have the infinite possibilities, and sort of that word positivity, but that infinite possibilities, the abundance and all these things, but I've always known that those don't exist in a vacuum, and that the healing components of it. They're so necessary like you named before like therapy, you know, just nourishing ourselves, however we need to whatever works for us individually, but that it's not just one i I truly believe that the hand in hand is where that can work magic 100%. Yeah, yeah. So, okay, as we wrap up, where can my listeners find you and reach out to you?


Well, for one maze, the app is free on Apple and Android and you can find us at, we're maze.com. That's W O M HZE. And then for our website company, that's a wiser website, or last names, wiser, so a wiser website.com We offer several different packages, and we just love working with anyone who was ready to elevate their their business bring their dreams to life, and we also are an Instagram for a wiser website. And I think that's, that's the Yeah.

Maureen Spielman:

It's all the channels. I love it. Yeah, I will I thank you too, so much for being with me today. And just spreading your light and sharing just all the wisdom and information that you have for our listeners. And just to kind of amplify just these beautiful messages that you stand for really, and and really standing up for you can't you you can do it. You can you know, have these things that you know, maybe have been in your dreams and to step into them and just live life more fully. Yeah.


Well, thank you for having Yeah. Okay, well, it's,

Maureen Spielman:

it's been so great. Yeah. And so, it's been a pleasure and we'll be catching up with you soon. And to my mystical sisterhood listeners. I'll see you next time.

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About the Podcast

Mystical Sisterhood
Mystical Sisterhood is a celebration of women interested in connection to themselves, community, and the Universe. If you are a woman seeking conscious conversations on modern spirituality, understanding your soul’s journey, contemplating new directions in life, and mystical practices, you are in the right place!

The weekly podcast is hosted by Maureen Spielman, a Transformational Life Coach, trained in the Art and Practice of Spiritual Psychology, as well as Integrative Wellness and Conscious Parenting.

Maureen boldly invites the questions we only feel safe enough to ask in the community of other curious women ready to shift the current paradigm and soar. These curated conversations marry what we think of as our mainstream lives with the mystical.

Each episode infuses everyday women with the strength and clarity to rise above the self-limiting beliefs we have all heard on repeat in our heads so we can step into the limitless possibilities for shining and thriving in this lifetime.

Through interviews with healers, intuitives, and other courageous women doing the work of developing our inner lives, Maureen explores how to leave the lack dance behind, reclaim our worthiness, honor our intuition, and let the light in so we can more clearly see the light in others (and ourselves).

If you want to join this global movement of healers and seekers creating a new paradigm convened by an authentic woman who embodies the transformation practices she promotes, subscribe and listen to the Mystical Sisterhood podcast today.

Follow Maureen on Instagram @maureenspielman
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Maureen Spielman

Maureen Spielman is the Founder of Mystical Sisterhood, a podcast dedicated to bringing more joy, healing and expansion to the world. She is a seasoned life coach who supports individuals through one-on-one coaching, groups and workshops.