Episode 7

Published on:

8th Feb 2023

7: The Healing Power Of The Akashic Records with Alicia Isaacs Howes

Alicia Isaacs Howes joins me today to discuss Akashic Records and all things soul connection. Alicia is a world renowned specialist in reading your Akashic Records or history of past lives. Akasha means energy or the substance from which all life comes. Energetic records of all the ways we use energy - thoughts, actions. They are stored within our energetic system containing love and truth and allow us to determine what we have to learn and what we have mastered. A tool for enlightenment. This episode is compelling for many reasons including Alicia’s natural ability to share metaphysical wisdom



●     You are intuitive beyond belief & receiving information in the form of energy all the time

●     Alicia’s gifts revealed on the Oprah show with Laura Day

●     An Akashic Records reading assists in releasing what does not serve you anymore & assists in determining where healing may be calling to occur

●     How you receive and lean into your intuition

●     The truth holds light and feels light

●     The Divine definition of power is knowing what your gifts are, using them, sharing them, and maybe at some point, teach them

●     Questions you can ask to bring out your gifts and shine!


Mentioned Resources:

Akashic Records https://www.wellandgood.com/what-are-akashic-records/

Akashic Records Training https://www.yoursoulstory.com/get-started-in-the-akashic-records-E-Course



About the Guest:

Alicia Isaacs Howes, founder of Your Soul Story and international Soul Connection™ expert, has explored thousands of Soul Stories for over 22 years. It was in 1997 that her intuitive gifts were revealed on Oprah before she had even recognised it for herself.

As a global management consultant, a health crisis led Alicia to explore different ways to work with her body. The Soul Story (or Akashic Record) reading she received led to an instantaneous and lasting healing, plus the complete knowing she was to share this with others. It ultimately led to a new life as an intuitive coach, healer and teacher.

Alicia now loves to guide others with her special blend of process improvement and training expertise, crystal-clear intuition and very practical tools She currently offers seminars, private and group programs, as well as training in how to work in the Akashic Records, the tool that first got her started.



About the Host:

Maureen Spielman is the Founder of Mystical Sisterhood, a podcast dedicated to bringing more joy, healing and expansion to the world. She is a seasoned life coach who supports individuals through one-on-one coaching, groups and workshops. Connect with Maureen:

●     Check out her Instagram @maureeenspielman

●     Learn more about her work at www.maureenspielman.com

●     Email Maureen at hello@maureenspielman.com to inquire about coaching, podcasting & speaking engagements


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Maureen Spielman:

Hi, I'm Maureen Spielman, and this is mystical sisterhood. I'm a soul Care Coach and lifelong learner committed to creating conscious conversations around joy and healing. Each week, I'll host healers, intuitives and other courageous women doing the necessary work of reclaiming our worthiness, honoring our intuition and letting the light in so we can more clearly see the light and others and ourselves. My intention is to plant the seeds that lead to insights and revelations. For you the listener, please join me in building this global magical sisterhood. And thanks for being here.

Maureen Spielman:

Welcome back to mystical sisterhood. I'm Maureen Spielman, and I'm here today with Alicia, Isaac's house. As you get to know me, you're getting to know that I'm all about creating conversations around joy, healing and creating community. And I'm having these conversations with healers intuitive, and what I call other courageous women, and I'm finding most of the time, people overlap in all three categories. Today's guest is Alesia house, and she's here to talk to us about the Akashic records. I think that Alicia does all these things masterfully. Since I've met her years ago, in our son's grade school, I've been enlightened with so many new concepts, ideas, questions, Revelations. And so every conversation I have with Alicia is always one where I'm learning so much. So thank you for that. So the more professional bio, that's my own, just beautiful container for Alicia. But she is the founder of your soul story, and international soul connection expert. She's explored 1000s of soul stories for over 22 years, I'll let her tell you a little bit about how her gift was discovered. It's a fascinating story. And prior to that she was a global management consultant. And it was a health crisis that led Alesia to explore different ways to work with her body. And then came in the discovery, I believe of your gifts around the Akashic records. So now she loves to guide others with just a beautiful blended process that guides people to their stories, their intuition, and just really, I think diving into getting to know themselves honoring their past, honoring where they find themselves now. So I just want to welcome you, Alicia as we embark on this conversation. Yeah, welcome.


Thank you. Thank you. That was a wonderful introduction. I'm very touched, I can feel the love. And I'm just sending it right back to you. Because I think the very first moment I saw you, I didn't know you, you met in a fair kind of thing. But I just felt really drawn to your inner light. And that's, that's another one of my intuitive gifts, I guess is that I see the light or the essence, the vibration in people sometimes before I know them in any other capacity. And yours is just a beautiful light. so honored to be here today.

Maureen Spielman:

Yeah. Thank you so much. And I think that that's just a beautiful place to start, even for our listeners is, you know, really paying attention that often when we're attracted to people. It's not just oh, I kind of liked them. But there's something in them we see. And you're kind of calling it their light or just some sort of vibrational match.


Yes, it's something we see and real have intuitive gifts in different ways this for some of us, it's just a feeling just to knowing, you know, we can receive information in all kinds of ways. But we're in we're all intuitive beings. I do it in a professional way. But everybody listening to this today is intuitive. And it's how much we've we trust it how much we honor it, how much we notice it. And that can really amplify how we get to use it as another tool. Just like we might use any of our limbs or any of our senses. So yeah, so we're getting we're getting we're receiving input all the time. And that includes people's energies. And I guess you and I have a good good vibe of going because I felt immediately like being in your field, right. Like being in your new

Maureen Spielman:

energy. Yeah. Okay. I love that, Alicia, so you know what I'm hearing you say and it brings me back to when we first met. And when you first started to, I think just say things To me, maybe it was about intuition. Or I remember one time, it was you saying that our children choose us. So it would be these kinds of concepts that I had never heard before. And they would kind of knock me out of my seat, and then I would go home and ponder it and think about it more. But you are also I would say, responsible for, you know, placing the beginning seed in me to go into coaching. And I want to say this, because at the time you said it, I thought she was crazy. And I know nothing shows. And I will, I thought, I know nothing about coaching, I am not comfortable, I don't feel worthy of stepping into those shoes, there were a lot of things underlying, but something about that planted the seed that I carried forward, which laid the groundwork, I think, for me pursuing it. And, but at the time, I just wasn't used to turning to my intuition and knowing that I had gifts encoded within me. And the more I, I want to say to our listeners today to, you may be a person who already has practices, and has ways of tuning in to your guides, or your own information and wisdom. And if you are not in some of these concepts, or newer, or you're intrigued by them, I am here to say stick with it. And surround yourself with people who remind you, because often, I think with our conditioning, we need to be reminded that it's not all about the outer world. It's not all about, you know, were brought up with grades. How are you doing on the outside? How much do you weigh? What's your job? How much does it pay? Like all those things? But I didn't know anything about turning within. So what do you what do you think about that, Alicia?


Well, firstly, I just want to agree with you Yeah, that this world and our life here is not all about us external reflections of what success or happiness is meant to look like right in, you know, what drives us and motivates us is unique to us. And it may not look like what the rest of our family or what our culture or society is decided, or taught us that it should be. And I think I'm just going back to that conversation that we had a few years ago. And to me, it was so blatantly obvious that you're a coach, you're a teacher, you're a guide, you're an illuminator, for others, right? of possibilities. To me, it was so obvious. And then I had no idea that you were like what I want. But I think what it is, is that this is something that we may explore further. What I've learned through working the Akashic records, and we can talk about that moment, or soul stories is that time, as we know, it does not really exist, it's a construct that we have in human form to help us with linear thinking and processing. But I've worked in, you know, all these years, and I've, I've seen how working with somebody in current in current time, can create shifts for them into the future that they'll experience but also the way they experience and feel about past whether it's past in this physical lifetime or another lifetime, whether it's a spiritual ancestor or their, their own DNA or whatever it might be. And so I think that going back to that conversation, I was seeing this aspect of your soul, which is who is was all is a was it will be already a coach like that part of you that is your natural gift was already shining through. And so I got a glimpse of it, I just recognize it because it's easier sometimes from the outside, right, when we're inside ourselves, it becomes you know, we have a limited perspective, so I could see your gifts more clearly. And I think that's one of the gifts of actually being a coach is that we're looking at or we're reflecting back to our client the things that maybe they can't embrace for themselves and maybe they've never had validated or they felt but they thought or been taught and I can't do that that's getting too big for my boots Yeah, that's not how I fit my family that's not how others see me so they shrink back from the truth of who they are. And that's where you know coaching and this kind of work really validate Yeah, another's inner being

Maureen Spielman:

heard so beautiful. So, that giftedness of that you is that I So a person be able to see that and people. And I think it's true that we may have knowings. And we may have ideas about what our gifts are. And then we learned all these kinds of coping strategies, these sorts of survival strategies that cover up a lot of that for us. And I think that that was the case with myself, I couldn't see it. Because no one had ever really illuminated it for me. So what a beautiful gift that you to and that we know that just leads to more light on the planet, when Yes, you can uncover that or escort people into uncovering that.


Yeah, yeah, because I guess that was a big part of why we came here in the first place. So when we're using them and sharing them, we're evolving, but we're also doing what we came here to do. So I believe that then the university do everything you need to keep on doing what you came here to do to life itself becomes more fluid, more graceful, more, I should say, easy or? Yeah, graceful, I think is the best word. And, yeah, so

Maureen Spielman:

beautiful. Yeah. So when you first started to kind of lean into receiving information or understanding things in a different way, how did it come to you and what evolved along the way,


it was really interesting, because I, I was always intuitive, just like everybody listening to this is also intuitive. But nobody had told me that what I was thinking or feeling or knowing, I didn't actually voice it out loud. But I wasn't encouraged to trust what I knew I'd actually associated associated things I knew with negative things rather than good things because of the culture and the conditioning I was in. And so it wasn't until, you know, I got really ill and I was in a lot of pain, I was told, we can do surgeries, but we can't cure this, that I was like, I got to do something I've got to figure this out. And so I started working in a hole, exploring this whole world of energy healing, and what is energy and vibration. And and so that was when I, I started to do it consciously. But it was in 1997. But I think I might have told you the story. I was working for a big global management consulting firm, and one of my team members was leaving the states to go back to Sweden. And we wanted to do something really American before she left. And we're in Chicago. So we got tickets to the Oprah show. And so I know we're there seven o'clock in the morning. And this is how the universe works. Right? So this woman came out. She didn't introduce herself didn't say her name. But she said, I'm going to be part of the show. And underneath your chairs is a little note card, and a pencil. And I want you just for five minutes to write down everything you see think feel perceive everything like Oh, it's cold, I'm hungry. I wish I had a cup of coffee, whatever it is. And she said what you write will answer the question that's in a sealed envelope. And she held it up. And as soon as she did that, I knew what the question was, I'm like, Well, this is kind of silly. Like, it's so easy. Like, I didn't get that that might not be so easy. But what the question was, in my mind was, what do I need more happiness in my life? So I started writing down things that I was thinking or feeling. But I was answering that question. And I imagined family and friends see me on TV. And I imagined my parents and my siblings seeing me. And then what I wrote at the end was something like, I wish I got a recording, but some VHS, I had something like what I need for my happiness in my life, is to visit my family in England. And so at the end of the exercise, she revealed the answer, and it was, what do I need for more joy, rather than happiness? And so she said, Who would like to share their answer? So I put my hand up and shared and then everybody went away again. And then about two minutes later, production person came out and said, Are you the one with a British accent? I said, Yes. She come with me. And she can be right at the front of the audience. I'm on Oprah. I just said what I need to become happier is see my family in England sound like, I'm getting a ticket to go home. And so I was like, Oh, I don't know what's gonna happen, but I hope that's it. And then the first guest came out was Jimmy Moore. And just to cut the story short, she was there actually to introduce her intuitive coach, Laura de Burgh practical intuition. And that was one of the exercises that she uses. So they did use the clip of me talking about the show, and people around the world did see me and call me. So yeah, no problem.

Maureen Spielman:

Oh my gosh. So it


was funny, but I didn't get that flight. And the thing is, I'm showing this because now I'm like, cuz I was so obvious that I was intuitive. I still didn't get it. Yeah. So Oh, that was a fun experience. So sometimes we really need somebody on the outside to help us. So it was when I got sick. And I started looking at ways to work with energy that my hairdresser recommended a healer. And she guided me through meditation to help me. And at the end, she said, You don't need me to do this. You can do this. And as she said, it, it just flooded me. I was like, I know I can. Yeah. And it just became this wonderful journey of exploring and learning. But I think more remembering, yeah, yeah. Wow.

Maureen Spielman:

So many amazing points in that. I love it. And that idea that, yeah, she reminded you, it's like you were reminded. It's what you knew when you came onto this planet. You knew that you had these gifts, but we often just need to be reminded. Yeah. And so then the gifts just I love I love the whole story, too. And Demi Moore and just, that was 25 years ago. That was a while back? Yeah,


she is yes. It will be coming up on 25 years. Oh, yeah. He may a little bit

Maureen Spielman:

the concept of time. Yeah. Right. Yeah, that's Yeah. So then did that birth into like, tell us about the Akashic records and how that came to be? And and for those who don't know much about them, what does it entail?


Yes. So um, so the first few I started working with my hairdresser said, I was telling her about this health condition said, have you tried healing? And so here, here's my healers name. So her name is Judy and or is Judy. And so I started learning and practicing with her. And one day she mentioned the Akashic records and effect zin through our site. And so we cipher reading, I can remember it so vividly. You know, I was nervous. I was excited, like all these feelings at the same time. And I that first reading, I'd had a miscarriage the year before this is I had the first reading and twin in 2000. And in 99, I'd had a miscarriage and I'd, for as long as I can consciously remember, I wanted to be a mother. So it really it was a very, it really was, you know, it's like a lot of fear came up about I won't be able to be a mom. And so I did have the reading when my son was two months old. So I got over that bit. But I still had this lingering, what was that about? And I still had some grief and guilt. And so at the end of that one hour reading, all the grief had gone. Wow, I had such a deeper understanding of the whole experience. And I felt so blessed and so enlightened and empowered and joyful, just overflowing with joy, that I remember I wanted to go I lived in Chicago at the time and three flat and I wanted to get up onto the rooftop and with a megaphone and say life is meant to be joyful. We've had. Yeah, this is what we are. This is what we can do. This is how we can feel. And I remember just feeling so elated. And then I was like I want to do I want to help. Yeah, I want to do this. So that's how six months later, I took my first class in Evanston, Illinois. Wow. Yeah, the Akashic records. And for those of you don't know our cache, there are different ways you can Google it. A cache in my mind is a Sanskrit word meaning it basically means energy or the substance from which all life forms. And the Akashic records are basically energetic records of all the ways that we use energy. So through our thoughts, our words, our feelings, choices and actions in this life or any other life. Wow. And they're not being stored so that we get to be tested or evaluated and like do you get to go on to the next thing? No, no, no. They only contain love and truth. And they're there so that we can look at what's serving me what do I want to do? So next what if I Marston? What am I ready to share? So they're a tool for enlightenment. And healing love and truth are very healing energies. Oh yeah. Even if sometimes the truth can sting a little bit, because it's not what we think we want to hear. But it always leads to more ease and love and joy and playfulness and other things that I enjoy.

Maureen Spielman:

Yeah. And so when you read when, when you open someone's Akashic records, I feel like I've done it with you. I've had a reading with you. So I know that when you create the container of a session with somebody, it's it is in love and truth. And so I'm wondering, even when there are those moments when the truth is a little harder to hear, or realize or see, as this big growth opportunity that it is held in such a safe and sacred way, that I feel like I take it with me for my growth more than Oh, there's that, you know, there's something wrong with me, or there's something, you know, that's been off, and I have to fix it or anything like that. It's just, yeah, that's been my experience with it, that it's such a beautiful process of discovery.


Thank you. And well, I think one of the things that I hear most often is that people feel very safe in that container. And they might receive validation that of things that they've never ever expressed out loud to anyone, but they get their thoughts in or even journaling. I've even had words come to me that exactly reflected someone's journal, wow. phrase, yes. I said, I don't know why they're having me say this way. But I know and then the clients that I know why, because I think she's so good. And so it is only about honoring and uplifting us to our next level. And sometimes to get to the next level. You know, we need to let go of things that we're doing that at some level we already know, aren't serving us, or detrimental or non beneficial might be a better way to say it. Whether that's habits or thought patterns, or it could be, you know, choices we're making and how we spend our time or with whom. Yeah, and sometimes it's just, you know, we already know what is in our highest good. But we have been taught or trained or conditioned not to trust our inner knowing, or to put ourselves first, you know, we kind of push aside what we really want. Because we feel like, well, what I want isn't as important as what somebody else might want or need. Yes, because we're not really valuing ourselves. And so that's where it can get a bit uncomfortable. Because it's not, it's about saying, Do you really want this? You can have it? Yeah, but in order to make space that there are some things you need to know. So,

Maureen Spielman:

yeah, so yeah, it's true. And it becomes, I feel that people probably fall into different camps of some maybe are able to change a pattern just like that. And then maybe other people that's beginning information for them or building upon what they already knew, like you said, and it might be a process of absolutely months, years for some of us. Yeah, and,


and that's the thing is that there's not, it's not that we have Yes, one session can be absolutely life changing. Like for me, my reading just completely altered the course of my life. And for others, it might be like there's a lot of validation. So then it's like, you start to listen and trust your inner knowing or your inner voice or your inner sight a little bit more. And that helps make that helps your life unfold more gracefully. And sometimes what we're looking at has so many layers to it, that we released some of the layers in that first session, but we may have been wanting to master something. So we may have taken on many, many different experiences or even lifetimes to read explore the different facets and one particular frequency like forgiveness, okay. So we might want to, there's no deadline, right? We're always evolving. And whatever shifts we make, can have exponential results, because it affects everything we do and everything we are not just, for example, if somebody comes to me with regards to a health issue or relationship issue, whatever we they change or reconfiguring that session affects everything they do so it can affect their career or their choices and you know, how they feed or nourish themselves or how they show up for others. So it affects everything.

Maureen Spielman:

Yeah, I love that. I love that. Yes, it might be coming in for one part of their life, but then everything is it's it's all with Then within us, you know, so yeah, I was thinking about the piece of just even the alignments that you were talking about, you know, when we really know something's in alignment for us, too. And I also thinking about the whole idea of our past lives affecting us. And so a lot of people coming into you for a session, it might be their first time, even exploring this. And I think, the way that when I didn't know this information, I used to think that every way, every pattern that was showing up belief system I had pretty much was me, and that there was this lifetime, I probably didn't even realize that it was affected by my childhood and things like that, but then began to know that but then when people are introduced to the Akashic records, then we begin to know like, oh, there, there's these past lifetimes we're drawing on. So is it that things that we are experiencing in this lifetime are not necessarily always informed by what's happened so far for us in this light this period of our life? This? Yes, yes.


There might have been triggers in this life. But, you know, a lot of phobias are unexplained. Yeah, yeah. You can't, you don't have a definitive reason for why you can't even say the word spider. Yes, by recent terrifying, or public speaking, I think is meant to be like the most widely is most popular fear, right? It's not, it's not might not be speaking, it's actually being visible being heard. And that can come from so many other experiences, our own as well as our ancestors were standing up or being noticed or being picked could then lead to persecution, punishment, torture or even death. Yeah. And so you know, we just like, No, we bring in certain traits from our genetic ancestry, we can bring in traits from genetic and spiritual ancestors as well. And my sense is that if it's showing up in this lifetime, is because it's an opportunity, you're ready in a way to deal with it, handle it or recreate it, you know, have a different perspective on it. So it I never look at them as a punishment, or there's something wrong with me, it's actually there's something right with me, because now I can handle it. There's something in me that knows, I'm ready to move through or beyond this. Yes. Yes. So they're always kind of juicy opportunities.

Maureen Spielman:

Absolutely. And, yes, I think they have that opportunity, I can really see that if people had individuals had the revelations within a session that wow, you know, I'm carrying this and that came, I've had sessions with you where I was, you know, really astounded by what I heard, and that we can be, you know, even if we have healer type qualities in this lifetime, you know, you've traced me back to say like, Oh, you were the person in your village who really stood up for the other ones, or who was the wisdom keeper. And I think that that can be really fascinating for people to learn. Because when you talk about sort of that ping that you had, when you first heard the Akashic records, I felt that when I've heard that information before, whatever it is that you think that really resonates with me, and then you can see that oh, it's it's, it's been existing in me in the I guess you just say in the Akashic records, it's the book of your lives. Is that right? Yes.


Yeah, yeah. The the book of life. Yes, that's another term that's often used for that. And there was something I was gonna say, then I just lost my train of thought around it. Oh, yes. You said that ping. You know, I felt it when I heard the Akashic records. You felt it when you've heard validation about some of your other lifetimes as a healer. As someone who speaks up for others, truth with a capital T can we can feel it in our bodies often? Not always, because based on what we're familiar with what we've been taught, the truth to me is always expansive. It always leads to like it was a force food or lies or things that aren't aligned with with us it might not be an untruth or mystery is for everyone, but it's just not true for us. That can cause a lot of pain back and constriction or feeling really kind of uncomfortable, but Truth. To me, it always kind of moves before it's almost

Maureen Spielman:

Yeah, that's a really important thing to, to lean into. And to start to realize you're talking about things, information that is really worthy for us to kind of learn. It's going to come in different forms. You're you're you're using the body gestures of an opening, feeling within our bodies of opening that sort of like a that feels kind of it can feel kind of tactile in a way. But yeah, then you've I know, we've talked about before auditory, the different kinds of ways that people do get information. Yes, I


mean, get it in so many different ways. It could be Yeah, you hear you hear it? It's almost like not necessarily a physical years, but in your inner mind, or you might see it and that doesn't mean to Yes, it doesn't mean clairvoyance. But I've actually seen like a ticker tape of a message. And it was actually it was more clairaudience. It's like I was receiving a message in a different way. But people might receive Sutton's could be some sense, that is a scent that is maybe represents a loved one who's there to guide you and help you move forwards at times when you might need validation or extra dose of courage. It could be colors, like there's so many ways that yeah, so not to be attached to it. Some people come to me and they want to be more intuitive. And they say, I just don't see. That's okay. But you may start to see, but what if that's not the way you've chosen to receive intuition? This? Yes, yes, it's, um, for some, it may be just in certain moments you, you speak and the words just come and out of your mouth comes these amazing words of wisdom or the question that the person needed to hear or whatever it is, it's just something that you didn't know it. You didn't think it? It just came through? So that, you know that Yeah. So this all kind of I think I'm just gonna reflect back to you. There are times when I feel like you're really tuning in, and you act as a catalyst, because you ask these really deep, profound, same questions that I don't think come from necessarily. They could come from your conscious mind, but I feel like oh, here we go. She's, she's coming from her higher self. Yes, yeah. So at this moment, and,

Maureen Spielman:

yeah, thank you for saying that. And I think that, I mean, I always even for our listeners, like, if you. That's the kind of thing that I heard from you. And it does, it took me a while to believe is what I want to say. And now I believe it to be true. And I think it's, it reminds me of kind of when individuals start learning to work with you. Is that to trust your own process, because I was thinking when you were talking, oh, I've always been fascinated by the people who can see aura colors. And I think, Gosh, I would love to be able to do that. And then I think well, I mean, some people might say, if you really worked on it, you could but some people have that. The gifts so naturally what it is for them, but I think it's really like what will what, how does it come through for me? What are my gifts and and then really owning them? Because when we own them, I'm finding that we can amplify them.


Yes, absolutely. And for me, this came to me years ago, that divine definition of power, like in I think our modern world power is very associated with making things happen or making things you want to happen, some maybe manipulating others or managing being very controlling or assertive, or even aggressive. So it doesn't have a really warm and fuzzy kind of connotation being powerful, right. But what came to me is the divine definition of power is knowing what your gifts are. You seeing them, sharing them, and maybe at some point, you'll even teach them. Wow, yeah, that's what the power is because then it's like for me, that's why you came here is to use them and play with them.

Maureen Spielman:

Yeah, yeah. That's what just came to me too. That's what that's what we're here and I am hearing those messages starting to be more resounding in our culture. And I know that when you're living a certain way you look on certain whatever it is the books we pick up the social media, if you're on that, that we look at it tends to be that kind of vibration, but this message is starting to increase in its vibration or being amplified in a new way. So that's what I want everyone to hear is that this is for you, the listener today to listen into, what are my gifts? What Wait, wait a minute, what what are the gifts encoded in me? What am I here to share? I mean, what do you kind of think about the questions our listeners can ask themselves or just to begin that exploration? Yes.


Okay, this is great. And I think there are, there's lots of spin written on this as well. But the things that are coming to me right now is your gifts, the things that often come to you so easily. So naturally, they're almost like, of course, like, like, for me, like knowing that question inside the sealed envelope, it was like a no brainer, because I wasn't coming from my brain, right? I wasn't using my brain. So one of the things that come to you so so easily, that you and that people, you know, may have recognized or thanked or appreciated you for, or people always come to you and ask you to do this thing, or the things that you do. You know, what are they? And how could you use those? Or, you know, what, if you were to really look at them and appreciate them as gifts, not? This is so easy, anybody could do it. But this is so easy, because it's a gift. And then ask yourself, so how can I maximize this? How can I make the most of this? How can I share it? How can I bring more ease and grace into my life by really using this gift? So that I think, and then it's often as well, things that you just, you love doing so much, that they don't actually drain you, they don't cost you a lot of energy. And you could maybe do them all day, do them for free, just because you love it so much. Those tend to be gifts to wow, yeah, that may not be what your listeners are doing for a day job right now. And they can be doing so just being willing to go okay. And it's not to say you don't have talents or abilities, in the things that you're being paid for right now. Right. But it may be things that you know, just take you into a whole different realm, ways that you've never ever thought about being able to live your life and be paid or supported by using these gifts and just having so much more joy in.

Maureen Spielman:

Yeah, I love that. It gives us a lot to think about. And the thing that I didn't realize, too, I'll say for the things that I'm finding are my gifts is I didn't think that they were real, or they were real skills, or they were valued because you couldn't really measure them. And you couldn't. They weren't, they weren't really represented in traditional jobs. And I do think that with the interests, people are beginning to have more and more of looking within and discovering, like you're saying the gifts or, you know, why are these things happening in my world and trying to go into a deeper understanding. There, we're seeing more people step into providing that that I feel like it's healing work in in different professions. Often it can be across coaching or healing or just these, these kinds of professions. But I just didn't used to think that that was real or valid. And I knew, because I always valued emotional intelligence. I remember getting Daniel Goleman book when I lived in New York City emotional intelligence. And I, I can't even say I read the whole thing. But I knew I just thought like, this guy's got something. And I said it all these years that I valued it. But for me to truly believe was a different practice. And now I embody it because I do believe it. I've seen it play out in front of my eyes. And I think especially I'm going to say, with the children coming up, this is what you're seeing this call for a different way of relating in the world and being in the world. And I feel like there's a lot of opportunity here. And you're you're nodding so you feel this. Oh,


gosh. Because yeah, absolutely. And, you know, I feel like you know, the world that we you and I were born into I know I'm older than you but kind of roughly the same kind of decades or whatever. That, you know, we came in at a time where this what we're talking about right now and your inner world was not something that wasn't so communities, but it wasn't widely accepted. And there's been such a huge shift in our consciousness that this is more now recognized or accepted. And I do believe the vibration of consciousness as a whole has risen. And that's why the children who are coming in I believe not all but many of the children coming in coming in was completely, like all children come in, and they're just pure awareness, right? They're just, you know, they're open. But there are specific souls coming in now we're no calmer than they're not bringing in anything necessarily to heal for themselves, they might be coming in to help be a catalyst for heat to heal with others or humanity as a whole. And they're coming in with such a pure purity. Wow. And that wouldn't have been possible without all the heavy lifting and dissolving and discrediting that we've been doing on this planet. And it's, it's, it's still going on. And it got, it's been really intense. And the last two or three years have been extra intense. So for that for you, Marina and me, and I imagine anyone listening to this podcast, we're all perhaps more sensitive than the average. Okay, some might be. And that just means that we're, we're taking in more input information or energy, okay. And it might not even be our so even if we've navigated the last two or three years, with all the craziness that's been going on the world, feeling pretty clear and not really being too perturbed by what's going on. We're still affected by the energies that we pick up from our family, friends, our neighborhood, our community. So it's been a time I think it's very important for us as lightworkers as healers, or sensitive beings, to really, really put our own self care front and foremost, okay, because I feel that there's a sense of, it's been very draining into, we weren't consciously aware of it. And we need a few weeks, maybe a few months, maybe more, just to really kind of okay, I'm still here. Yeah, good. Everything's good. and nurture our own energy systems that we can be fully present in and showing up. Yes, in the brightest way. Yeah. Beyond.

Maureen Spielman:

I love that. Yes. And so I know that recently, or in the last year, plus year to two years, you've created a process. I don't know if it processes the right word. But I'm talking about reroute. You tell our audience about reroute?


Oh, yes, it's one of my favorite favorite tools. Thank you for bringing this up. And as I hope that, yeah, I'll be able to introduce it and use it if they want to try it. So I think it was in 2020. And I was drawn to the Hawaiian healing prayer technique of hope on Apollo. And I took that certification training in it, and I loved it, I thought it was wonderful. I did see differences. And at the same time, I kept getting a sense. It's just like everything now world is shifting, there's something about it that was like, there's another way a higher vibration that wants to come in. So it's not that hard one on one, or is no longer relevant. It was just this something new. And I, I could feel it, I knew it was something very similar. Hop on upon off. If somebody doesn't know what that is, it's, you can say in any order, but I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I thank you. And you kind of say that, again, whatever comes up into awareness, you can do that on. And so I opened up my records, and I asked and I got Yes, this is a kind of a five d version. Wow. Okay, what is it? What is it, it's like, and they wouldn't, it wouldn't come through, I couldn't get what it was. And I did this for about four or five months. And I got a bit frustrated. And then I was like, You know what, I'm trying to make something happen. And it's not mine, to me, this is gonna come through when it's time. So I was walking in the dog park, just walking around is a cold January day, and suddenly, on the four phrases were there, and I went home, immediately did a video, sent it out to my community. And then the next month, they started a 21 day experience with it. And then it became a monkey group and it's now evolving again, but it's been amazing. It's such a simple thing to do. And it's almost like if you imagine when we have a challenge, a problem, an upset a pain. If you look and look at it as energy, a bit like water that's got stuck in a certain state. And energy is designed to flow. So I The analogy I got was it's like an iceberg. You know, it's mortar but it's been it's got contracted into certain state of ice So the reroute at slight the sun, just beaming down on this iceberg and it just it just turns transmutes it transforms it back into flowing energy. And so, what I found is persistent worries, it works really well system worries or negative thought patterns, anything you know, a problem financial health relationship, any kind of any kind of concern. And the four phrases are very simple. They are I come from love, I am love, I am already loved I am grateful for the I Am that I Am. The first I am is capitalized like I am meaning Creator Source. All that is. So I'm grateful for the source energy that I am beautiful. And you can repeat that. And there's all kinds of ways to play with it. Okay. Yeah,

Maureen Spielman:

I love it. It's so soothing. And then when people are tapping into whether it's a persistent thought or worry, like you said, is it is that sometimes can they feel it in the body to? Or find that? Or is it just in the practice of the four phrases? Oh, like, kind of how do they practice? Yes.


So practice by first of all, this might go against what a lot of like what you or other people have heard. Rather than resisting this negative thought, worry for pain, you actually give yourself permission to really feel it to it. And it because I believe that it's there for a reason. Is that bringing something up? Yes. Just something. And until we're willing to look at it or feel it, it's gonna keep coming up? Yeah, so having that courage and saying, you know, what, I'm, I'm being supported. I can do this. So what I do, and on my website, there is a still available training that goes into more detail on, like, 30 minutes, but yeah, it's like, whatever it is, it's like give yourself permission, say I don't want to feel whatever it is, I don't want to have this constant worry, I don't want to, I don't like having this pain, whether it's emotional, mental, physical, and really go there into like, this is the energy that's stuck. And then when we do the reroute, and we say those four phrases again and again, and at first it may feel weird or natural, I don't get it. But just reminding ourselves that we actually come from love. Yes, our true nature, right? Love Light energy. We can, by the way, if love is a trigger word, you can change it to I come from energy, I am okay. Okay, I'm already energized so you can play with it. But that love that truth of who we are allows us to dissolve the illusion that we're not. And so the problem, some what can happen is we can feel more peaceful, we feel lighter, spacious. Sometimes what I've had is I'll get inspired a solution will come to me while I'm doing the reboot. All kinds of wonderful things can happen.

Maureen Spielman:

Yeah, I love that. I love that. I've got the four phrases. I just wrote it on an index card, on my bulletin board, just so it's there as that reminder, but it makes perfect sense that things you're talking about. About they show up for us for a reason. They it makes sense that they often feel like they haven't been cleared yet. Because if it's something that we keep on going back to and back to back to I can feel that the energy would get really stuck it would get almost layer upon layer upon layer. So the love or the energy if they want to use that word begins I like how you said it transmutes it into the stock into the flowing. And I just feel like that's so important because that's also that's our spiritual sort of health. That's our mental health and it's our body health to to be able to move and transmute what no longer serves us.


Yes, yeah. I think that's a really important you just said that though. It's our body helps to because I think so many of us, especially if we're sensitive, we've we come into the squad and welcome seem very harsh or painful. You know, the way we've been brought out, it's like, spreading problems, you know, gotta work hard for the money. Like, it's just like, anything comes easy isn't really yours. So we're kind of taught to look for the hardness, right? And so we think that being on the planet somehow is a punishment, or this is something we have to get through so you can actually finally go back home, but I really want to encourage all of us really, to look at Apple It is actually an answer to a prayer request that we made at the soul level. And they're an extension and expression of our own soul. They're a vehicle for us to have these magical, amazing experiences that are hard to come by outside of the planet Earth. So it's like, yeah, so when we get into the body, when we're grounded, we can still we're still spiritual beings. It's not either, or, I think some of us may have had a tendency to get into like, a meditation hotspot, like that's our go to a refuge. And then we're not living our life. We're not being present. So I think what's coming through for us, going forward is like, the next step in evolution is, yeah, being in the nitty gritty of life, cooking, doing errands, you know, running back into school, and being in a walking, breathing, being a walking, breathing, Battle of lights. So bringing more of the loving to when we're doing more of the compassion, more of a kindness, more the appreciation? Yes. Even in the stressful situations, especially in the stressful. Yeah. And it is a challenge. It's an invitation, I should say, not challenge. It's an invitation to grow.

Maureen Spielman:

Yeah. And then with that kind of ritual or practice of something like rewrote it, it does it, it changes our cellular makeup it and then we do begin to embody it. And so when those day to day, things get overwhelming, or they feel too much, or we feel kind of exhausted, I feel like that is sort of balm for the places that feel harder, but it's easier to access once we've been practicing.


Yes, yeah. Cuz it's almost like, Yeah, you said it perfectly. I don't have anything to add. Yeah. Beautiful.

Maureen Spielman:

Well, Alesia, I know that, you know, you are also not only a master of everything you've talked about today. But I know the way that you share your work can be done individually. But can you tell our audience where to find you? Or what kind of work you do? Yes.


Thank you. Yes. So your soul story.com is my website. There's so URL. I always think so Ellie would be great if I was a shoe designer. I'm not. So yeah, you're so started out calm, and things always evolving in my business as well. And I'm being called to do more live groups in the coming year. And I'm very eager to see how that all unfolds. But But yeah, I do have private coaching. And you can connect through the website there or go to connect your soul. story.com is okay. Main email address. Yeah. Wonderful. Yeah. And there'll be more trainings and workshops. And yeah, just one off events coming.

Maureen Spielman:

Yes. Yeah. And I'll vouch for I've been in a mastermind of yours. I feel like I've done different classes over the years, including Akashic records and learning about my relationship with my money story. So, yeah, listeners, check out her website. It sounds like everything's on there, including more information about reroute. But I thank you so much for being here today. Lisa, it's been so fun. And I I've grown, and I've just learned so much. So I just did gratitude for you.


Thank you so much. i It's been a wonderful delight. And I can feel all your listeners like and feel like this community that you are a master at gathering. So I just want to send a big shout out to you and to all those who are listening. You're so appreciated, and you're so needed, and really take good care of yourselves as you move into the coming years, because, yeah, we're important.

Maureen Spielman:

Wonderful. Okay, well, thank you and to my listeners. I will see you next time. It's been great having you and see you in the next podcast.

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About the Podcast

Mystical Sisterhood
Mystical Sisterhood is a celebration of the sacred spaces where joy, healing and community converge. The weekly podcast is hosted by Maureen Spielman, a Soul Care Coach, conscious mother of 3 amazing kids and (eternal) student of the wisdom teachings. Maureen boldly invites the questions we only feel safe enough to ask in the community of other curious women ready to shift the current paradigm and soar. Each episode infuses everyday women with the strength and clarity to rise above the self-limiting beliefs we have all heard on repeat in our heads so we can step into the limitless possibilities for shining and thriving in this lifetime.
Through interviews with healers, intuitives, and other courageous women doing the work of developing our inner lives, Maureen explores how to leave the lack dance behind, reclaim our worthiness, honor our intuition, and let the light in so we can more clearly see the light in others (and ourselves).
If you want to join this global movement of healers and seekers creating a new paradigm convened by an authentic woman who embodies the transformation practices she promotes, subscribe and listen to the Mystical Sisterhood podcast today.
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Maureen Spielman

Maureen Spielman is the Founder of Mystical Sisterhood, a podcast dedicated to bringing more joy, healing and expansion to the world. She is a seasoned life coach who supports individuals through one-on-one coaching, groups and workshops.