Episode 27

Published on:

28th Jun 2023

27: Tuning Into The Vibration Of Healing With Jenna Brocious

Jenna Brocious, a Spiritually Intuitive Guide and all around amazing human being and soul, joins us today to talk about her life stories. Having been raised by an unavailable primary parent, Jenna learned to do what she needed to do to survive. When her world began to come into question around the time of her pregnancy, she knew that she had some healing to do. Today’s conversation was so real and so vulnerable and was so fun to record! Listen in and share if you feel called to do so. Thanks for being here!

EPISODE TAKEAWAYS (what you’ll learn):

  • Jenna’s journey of coming to her path
  • How Jenna adapted by becoming a people pleaser
  • The spiritual journey of healing from loss
  • How life is working in your favor
  • The power of positive intention prayer cards

About the Guest:

Jenna B is a wife, mother and spiritually intuitive. Jenna has worn many hats in life trying to find her own purpose outside of the home. Jenna feels her purpose is to help, heal and spread love to others. Having been raised by a single mom and not knowing her dad until the age of 36 Jenna has had many trials and tribulations. As she has said many times my mom taught me everything not to do in life. Talk about some great life lessons at a young age. Jenna decided to take what she learned at a young age and move forward with grace. Just because I came from a curtain life did not mean that was meant for me too. Life gave her lemons and she made lemonade (Jenna is a big fan of Beyonce). She never fit in and was kind of the odd ball out and would still consider herself not the norm but as an adult has grown to love and embrace it. Just because something bad has happened to you doesn’t mean that is who we are.

Find Jenna Here:



Link Of Interest: https://www.etsy.com/shop/JennaBSpiritual

About the Host:

Maureen Spielman is the Founder of Mystical Sisterhood, a podcast dedicated to bringing more joy, healing and expansion to the world. She is a seasoned life coach who supports individuals through one-on-one coaching, groups and workshops.

Connect with Maureen:

● Check out her Instagram: @maureeenspielman

● Learn more about her work at www.maureenspielman.com

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● Email Maureen at hello@maureenspielman.com to inquire about coaching, podcasting & speaking engagements

● Want to view Mystical Sisterhood episodes? Visit the Mystical Sisterhood YouTube Channel here: Magical Sisterhood Youtube

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Maureen Spielman:

Hi and welcome back to mystical sisterhood.

Maureen Spielman:

This is your host, Maureen Spielman. And today I sit down

Maureen Spielman:

with Jenna brooches. This is a super fun spirited conversation.

Maureen Spielman:

Jenna is a spiritually intuitive guide. And we talk about Janice

Maureen Spielman:

past coming from trauma, and how she overcame adversity that she

Maureen Spielman:

experienced early in her life. It's a really honest and raw

Maureen Spielman:

conversation. And how it were was that, you know, trauma and

Maureen Spielman:

what she had gone through as a young person that really led to

Maureen Spielman:

her healing and transformation as an adult. And so we had a lot

Maureen Spielman:

of fun. We laughed a lot. There's a lot of inspiration

Maureen Spielman:

here. And I think that you're really going to enjoy it. So

Maureen Spielman:

please listen to the episode and share with a friend if you feel

Maureen Spielman:

called. See you in the episode. Hey there, welcome to mystical

Maureen Spielman:

sisterhood. This is your host, Maureen Spielman. I started the

Maureen Spielman:

show to highlight the intuitives, healers and other

Maureen Spielman:

courageous women that I've met along my journey and continue to

Maureen Spielman:

meet. Through amazing interviews, I seek to ask

Maureen Spielman:

insightful questions to uncover ways in which you the listener

Maureen Spielman:

can apply the wisdom and knowledge to your own life. I

Maureen Spielman:

believe that we're all in this together. So sharing healing and

Maureen Spielman:

joy, and bringing community together is both my passion and

Maureen Spielman:

purpose. If you'd like to learn more about the mystical

Maureen Spielman:

sisterhood community I'm building, please visit www

Maureen Spielman:

mystical sisterhood.com See you in the episode.

Maureen Spielman:

Welcome back to mystical sisterhood. I'm very excited

Maureen Spielman:

today to be sitting with Jenna Rocha, as I always like to say,

Maureen Spielman:

where someone came to me. And it was through a networking group

Maureen Spielman:

I'm part of called Pay mama. And

Maureen Spielman:

Jenna's PR rep came to me and said, Hey, I think that you

Maureen Spielman:

would be a great fit for Jenna and vice versa. So I said a big

Maureen Spielman:

yes to that. I think that you as the listener are going to just

Maureen Spielman:

lean into Jenna's story, I'm just wide eyed why to eared to

Maureen Spielman:

find out what we're going to talk about to because it's going

Maureen Spielman:

to be it's full of like, almost like magic and mystery and awe,

Maureen Spielman:

like this space that we're creating today. So welcome,

Maureen Spielman:

Jenna, I'll first say a big welcome to you.


Thank you, I'm already in tears that we haven't even



Maureen Spielman:

Yeah, I love that a space for vulnerability.

Maureen Spielman:

And just to the right there. Just be with the emotions. And

Maureen Spielman:

for us and for the listeners to know whatever comes. It's just

Maureen Spielman:

always welcome. And just when when we're held in that safe

Maureen Spielman:

space, that's when I think that magic can occur.


Absolutely, I totally agree.

Maureen Spielman:

So I love how your website says I just had

Maureen Spielman:

written down, that Jen has mission and true purpose in life

Maureen Spielman:

is to help heal and spread more love to others. She loves to

Maureen Spielman:

speak about the wisdom from lessons she has had to live

Maureen Spielman:

through and overcome. Life is not always easy, but how we

Maureen Spielman:

handle the situation dictates what comes next. Plus, knowing

Maureen Spielman:

her faith, and God will carry her through. You can feel her

Maureen Spielman:

love and dedication to this work of helping others and Jenna's

Maureen Spielman:

energy is infectious. And so you know, this wide welcome. And

Maureen Spielman:

just with me offering that which is from your website, where do

Maureen Spielman:

you think is the most important place to begin?

Jenna Brocious:

Well, I think that all of the trauma and all

Jenna Brocious:

of the heart ache, and all of the things I had to endure have

Jenna Brocious:

actually led me to the most beautiful place in my life. And

Jenna Brocious:

that is here right now where I get to share my story. And I get

Jenna Brocious:

to help heal and spread more love is such a personal thing.

Jenna Brocious:

If I'm able to help somebody, and they're able to heal

Jenna Brocious:

themselves, which is so important for them to heal

Jenna Brocious:

themselves. And then that healing really opens up more

Jenna Brocious:

love for yourself and for others. And so I love being able

Jenna Brocious:

to talk about stuff like this, because I think we all at the

Jenna Brocious:

end of the day are more alike than we allow ourselves to

Jenna Brocious:

realize. And so I think it's so cool that we can sit here

Jenna Brocious:

together as two women and share our stories, and still have love

Jenna Brocious:

and compassion for each other because I think those things

Jenna Brocious:

lack a lot these days. Yeah, yeah.

Maureen Spielman:

Yeah. And that remark of that we're more alike

Maureen Spielman:

than we're not. That's the one thing as I was just told by an

Maureen Spielman:

astrologer, like how deeply empathic or empathic wasn't the

Maureen Spielman:

word was like, the way that I am in this lifetime is very, very

Maureen Spielman:

emotional. And, and I kind of, I tend to lead with emotions, I

Maureen Spielman:

tend to go there quickly. But in my life that wasn't always

Maureen Spielman:

welcome. Or maybe I was told that that you know, you know, to

Maureen Spielman:

quiet down or hide it. And so I also learned as I'm kind of

Maureen Spielman:

wondering, you know, when you first it came to light for you

Maureen Spielman:

that it was coming from within you within you that there was

Maureen Spielman:

healing to be done. Because, for me, it was at a really young age

Maureen Spielman:

where I felt a misalignment where I felt inner conflict

Maureen Spielman:

where I felt a lot of disconnection. But then it took

Maureen Spielman:

me even though I was taking steps towards it, it took me

Maureen Spielman:

decades to get there. And for me, it ended up in a wake up

Maureen Spielman:

call, but I'm wondering for you, like, when did you know? Was it

Maureen Spielman:

when you were younger? Did things happen in your life that

Maureen Spielman:

led you to this heart opening? Yeah, so.


Um, so I always knew what was going on around me as a


child was not normal or okay. But I really didn't start my


journey of healing until I got pregnant. And I'm the oldest of


three. And I thought maybe for the first time ever, my mom was


going to actually step up to the plate and be a mother because I


was pregnant. And this was such a beautiful thing to be


celebrating. And I just got disappointed every time she


didn't call or she didn't ask the right questions. And so my


husband, one day just goes, you can't hold her to an expectation


she never agreed to. And the light bulb in my head just went


off because my mom was 22, and didn't really want to have me


but she had no other option at that point in time in her life.


And so she didn't really agree to be a mother, she got thrown


into the life of it all. And so when she didn't show up in the


grandmother way that I had hoped, I really had to look at


the whole story all over again. And that's what Cav catalyst did


all of the healing. And it's been eight years of this


journey. And I just had a big breakthrough last week that was


still attached to her. And I'm like, How does this keep


unfolding? And does the unfolding never stop? I'm



Maureen Spielman:

I don't think it does. Because there's so much

Maureen Spielman:

on layering. It's fascinating that that message came through

Maureen Spielman:

your husband of like, wow, you know, reality check, or whatever

Maureen Spielman:

you call it here. But then that you were open to the self

Maureen Spielman:

reflection of Wait a minute, what about what am I what am I

Maureen Spielman:

misunderstanding here? Or what Am I misinterpreting? So did

Maureen Spielman:

that then lead you to like, wait a minute, is there parts of my

Maureen Spielman:

past year to be reconciled? Or what was the beginning of that

Maureen Spielman:

path? You know, it kind


of halted at that point in my pregnancy. But I think


once I became a mother, and I realized how much I loved this


little person, I almost got angry at my mom all over again.


Because I was like, how could you have done and put me through


the things you had put me through, if you loved me the way


I love my son. And so I really had to start working on myself


because the anger I wasn't going to allow to take over. And so I


had to start the journey. And so it was slow steps and slow. And


you know, you kind of get a little bit more comfortable in


the world of healing and how to figure out how to heal yourself.


And you find the right people to help you guide you along the


way. And I feel very blessed because I, I don't want to live


in anger or hurt. I want to live in happiness and joy and love


and forgiveness and compassion. That's truly where I want to


live. And those are the words that I have for my mother today.


Because when I look back at her childhood, she had a horrible


hard childhood as well. So she you know, she wasn't raised by


the best people ever on the planet and then decided to make


a bad decision with me. She did the best with what she had


before. So,

Maureen Spielman:

so true. And I think that when sometimes when

Maureen Spielman:

we talk about our paths, people can say, well, they were, like,

Maureen Spielman:

almost defensive of their parents. And I think when we put

Maureen Spielman:

out there like it's all okay, it's not, it's not in judgment,

Maureen Spielman:

that we're coming to our paths, because you're right, they were

Maureen Spielman:

they were doing the best they could. And it doesn't mean that

Maureen Spielman:

we deprive ourselves of the healing that wants to come from

Maureen Spielman:

that. Does that make sense?


100% Yes. 100% Yeah, it's actually an issue in my


family because I am speaking about my childhood. I have a


couple of family members that are not pleased with me because


of it. But you know, I don't care because I feel 100% I'm in


the right place doing the right thing right now. And so I move


forward with whatever my heart tells me to do.

Maureen Spielman:

And what you were just talking about, like

Maureen Spielman:

those, the joy, the happiness, the abundance, those kinds of,

Maureen Spielman:

they feel like they're almost like a Northstar to you. Like,

Maureen Spielman:

I'm, that's a non negotiable for me, I'm going there and I'm

Maureen Spielman:

gonna I, I always feel like with this kind of work and what we're

Maureen Spielman:

called to do, I always feel like it's a magnet pulling me forward

Maureen Spielman:

almost from my heart center where we you can't do you, we

Maureen Spielman:

could try to deny it right. And we could try to just like not do

Maureen Spielman:

what you're being called to do. But it does feel like a non

Maureen Spielman:



Well, I think they make and I say they spirit God,


whatever we want to call it, I feel like they will push you or


get your attention until you really sit down and focus on it.


That was at least my example. I just like they were throwing it


in my face until I couldn't deny the spirituality that I had not


known about before. And so I'm I love I like have gratitude to my


angels and spirit guides all the time for having made it so


obvious of what I needed.

Maureen Spielman:

Well, we talk a lot about that on this podcast

Maureen Spielman:

is that the whatever you call it, whatever. It's the the

Maureen Spielman:

inner, the inner guidance, the outer guidance, some people say

Maureen Spielman:

it's that that through line like it's, it's, it's one in the same

Maureen Spielman:

it's and if we talk about I was just reading last night about

Maureen Spielman:

how we are that microcosm in ourselves of the macrocosm of

Maureen Spielman:

the universe. And so it's that I was reading about shadow work,

Maureen Spielman:

and that we have all the parts inside of us, even the parts

Maureen Spielman:

that drive us crazy about other people, they actually exist

Maureen Spielman:

inside of us. And that kind of reminds me like when you it

Maureen Spielman:

feels like you haven't said much about the journey with your mom,

Maureen Spielman:

but that you are able, I think what I hear you saying is you

Maureen Spielman:

are able to put compassion there now more understanding where in

Maureen Spielman:

the beginning, I almost feel like we have to work through

Maureen Spielman:

those raw emotions, whether they're anger or resentment or

Maureen Spielman:

just rage even that wants to come out of us.


Yeah. And I think that that's part of the journey as


well. And if we don't hold space for that we're missing out as


well. I think the anger and the frustration is something that I


also don't want to boil up within me. So I appreciate those


years of that hatred and that anger and that rage. I'm just


grateful that I was able to get to the other side, because the


other side is way better.

Maureen Spielman:

Yeah, because you can people can get stuck for

Maureen Spielman:

a lifetime, and not kind of ever fulfill that kind of part of

Maureen Spielman:

their soul contract. Now, you know, Jenna, what you went

Maureen Spielman:

through as a young child? Is that something that you want to

Maureen Spielman:

go into? So people have that relational point? Or, you know,

Maureen Spielman:

how does that feels to hear? Yeah, I


mean, I'm, I'm an open book, because I again, I feel


like it's part of my purpose to share the wildness that I


occurred that occurred. And so I just, I'm not ashamed of it. I,


I am very strong because of it. And so you may ask us many



Maureen Spielman:

Yeah, I don't know. What do you what was your

Maureen Spielman:

experience of your childhood? I guess I just ask it broadly.


Totally. Um, so I was raised by a single woman who was


22. And she had me. Let's see, I didn't know who my father was


until the age of 36. So that was always a really hard point. For


me. My mom has been married multiple times. And at one


point, she was with a motorcycle gang member, which was quite


interesting to say the least I was exposed to more things than


I hope most children are exposed to. But you know, she was a


narcissist and an alcoholic and she lost custody of both of her


other two children because the their fathers took them away


from the situation and I was left behind. And it was it was


an easy she wasn't she would bring men home and I'd have to


listen to it all night. And, you know, I still have triggers


every once in a while that really throw me for a loop


because I thought I've overcome and I haven't. Yeah, it's it's


an interesting story. The the motorcycle gang part is the most


fun because the cops were staked out across the street from the


clubhouse. So the gang members would go through the back door


and hide their bikes in the secret room and all the women


and children would go through the front and we'd wave at the


cops across the street and then go in and I mean, I the man my


mom was with is in jail for murder now, but that was like,


who I hung out with for two and a half years every single day


and my mom thought that that was okay, so I would just never put


my own child in that situation, but I know better.

Maureen Spielman:

So Absolutely. And so when you were that child,

Maureen Spielman:

what age comes to mind? Was it when you're below 10? Are you I

Maureen Spielman:

mean, the first time.


The first time I saw my mom physically abused or pushed


through a glass table was five years old. And I think that


changed everything for me. So that was, that was like the big


pivotal moment. It's funny actually, I bet my stepdad the


night that he threw my mom through a glass table, and I


just met up with him recently. And he still has the bite marks


on his arm from where I met him.

Maureen Spielman:

Yeah, well, I imagined that that was just such

Maureen Spielman:

self protection, like just that animal instinct. Yeah, and it's

Maureen Spielman:

such compassion for her to the I don't know if I read that in

Maureen Spielman:

some of your stuff. But just like the, the young, your, I

Maureen Spielman:

don't know how you refer to it like the inner child. But going

Maureen Spielman:

back to that young, but we can talk about how you got there.

Maureen Spielman:

But just so much compassion, we can have you that we can have

Maureen Spielman:

for that little girl that endured so much, what would you

Maureen Spielman:

say? You know, how they talk about how when we are exposed,

Maureen Spielman:

and everyone is in some way, shape, or form to whatever is in

Maureen Spielman:

their household or in their environment, but how we develop

Maureen Spielman:

the mask or the survival self or the ways to cope and survive?

Maureen Spielman:

How did that show up for you? What did little Jenner kind of

Maureen Spielman:

take on?


Well, I was very lucky because I had a grandmother that


would spoil me and take me shopping every year before


school. And it didn't take me until I was older to realize


this. But if we had a really bad night at home, or the cops were


called, or I had to call the cops, whatever the situation


was, I would always go to school the next day in my best outfit.


But because that was my way of masking, whatever had happened


at home, I'm going to show up at school and I'm going to look


perfect, like nothing happened. And I'm just going to keep


moving along. And so I've found that to be the case, which I


didn't know but I still love to wear great outfits. It's just no


I wear them whenever I want and not dependent on what.

Maureen Spielman:

Yeah, but when you look back and you see that,

Maureen Spielman:

so it was sort of like okay, if I look perfect on the outside,

Maureen Spielman:

no one can touch what's going on in my home. 100 Yeah, were you

Maureen Spielman:

kind of did you go through the motions too? Did you become a

Maureen Spielman:

people pleaser? Or quiet your voice down? How did that show I

Maureen Spielman:



I was a big people pleaser because I never wanted


to go home. So I would be people pleaser at my friend's houses, I


would clean up our messes. I would like make sure everything


was perfect. I would be perfect. I had manners I would, you know,


I would sit so quietly so I did it in the in the way of not


wanting to go back to the chaos I would try and stay as long as


I could in other places. So but I didn't also recognize that for


many, many years that I was a people pleaser in that way.

Maureen Spielman:

Yeah. And did you see that it will kind of

Maureen Spielman:

like go like back and forth. But I've seen that in a few people

Maureen Spielman:

in my life where that even into adulthood, the urge, I guess, to

Maureen Spielman:

leave the home environment and be out of the house. It's almost

Maureen Spielman:

like even if the house is healthy now it's an ingrained

Maureen Spielman:

thing to be out of the house to avoid I guess like possible

Maureen Spielman:

intimacy like if you if you now have a healthy environment, but

Maureen Spielman:

it makes total sense that you would want to be out of the

Maureen Spielman:

house and to be an almost like, it's almost like to create your

Maureen Spielman:

little perfect world as much as you could.


I mean, I did every after school activity that was


free I did anything that I possibly could to never go home


because I didn't want to be there because I never knew what


I was walking into. So you know, you'd before I'd go home I'd


have to like almost put my armor back on and like pat myself up


to be like okay, whatever we walk into will be safe, we'll go


in our room, we'll do whatever it takes to kind of just avoid


the chaos at all costs.

Maureen Spielman:

And did that kind of continue for you through

Maureen Spielman:

your teenage years then to


um, you know, once I got a car I had my own freedom


and I got a job and then I had my own money my mom really


didn't care what I did 16 And on because I was almost like a less


of a liability at that point. So she I had a curfew of midnight


even though my mom was never home at midnight. I had a curfew


of midnight. Nobody was there. I was on time but I still showed


up on time what I was told I follow the rules even though


nobody else follow the rules. I don't know why just part of my



Maureen Spielman:

Right? It's um, right. It's It's ironic that

Maureen Spielman:

you had the the, you know, 12 o'clock curfew, but it also

Maureen Spielman:

makes sense that you would want to follow it and just kind of

Maureen Spielman:

color within the lines in those years just because I'm gonna say

Maureen Spielman:

because you had to deal with so much chaos that was out of your

Maureen Spielman:

control. All. And yeah, so then did you end up? Just going into

Maureen Spielman:

the workforce? Did you go into college? What happened to you

Maureen Spielman:

when you kind of move through your late teens early 20s.


So I got very lucky, I had an amazing high school


sweetheart and his parents knew what was going on in my


household. And so I really stayed at their house a lot, my


senior year in freshman year of college, and then I had a


girlfriend come down to Arizona, and she's like, Jenna, you're


not gonna believe it. You have to come to Arizona. And I was


like, okay, so I went down for spring break. And it was snowing


in Spokane when I left, and I arrived in Arizona, and it was


80 degrees, but palm trees and cute boys. And I was like, Sign


me up. I'm leaving. So I worked one summer, and I saved as much


money as I could. And I left Spokane, Washington, and I have


never looked back. I worked three jobs when I was 19. I


mean, I hustled for years, but you know what it was my hustle.


It was my environment. It was my experience. Nobody else had


control over anything going on around me. So it was like the


greatest freedom that if I had to work five jobs, I wouldn't


have cared because it was my own. I was so blessed. And I


don't take any of those years back either. Because they were


like, they also build me up to be who I am today. So it was all


worth it. So it was all worth it. Once we get

Maureen Spielman:

Oh, no kidding. But that's really,

Maureen Spielman:

really cool and admirable, admirable those years where you

Maureen Spielman:

went, and again, reflecting on the the possibility that the

Maureen Spielman:

universe kind of sent to you like, oh, my gosh, your

Maureen Spielman:

girlfriend invites you down. And then the choice that you had,

Maureen Spielman:

because I always think about things in choice points, too,

Maureen Spielman:

right? You could have seemed like it was a really pivotal

Maureen Spielman:

point for you to either have gone back home, or created

Maureen Spielman:

something new for you. So that actually started for you at you.

Maureen Spielman:

That's remarkable, I think because you started to kind of

Maureen Spielman:

do some change. And I know you're still young, but like at

Maureen Spielman:

a young age, and we don't always see that because I might be I

Maureen Spielman:

don't even know how many X years older than you. But my

Maureen Spielman:

generation mate, maybe that's changing as we go down, you

Maureen Spielman:

know, where people are waking up a little bit younger? I don't

Maureen Spielman:

know. Any thoughts on that?


Yeah, I just think that for me, I had to create a


boundary with her because she was still pushing the boundaries


with me, even though even though she knew better, like perfect


example, freshman year of college, I'm about to take my


first Final and I disliked tests a lot. And the night before my


first test, she called me at 2am from the jail sale gel, asking


me to bail her out because she beat the shit out of her ex


husband's girlfriend. And I was like, you obviously have no


understanding of me trying to build myself up to be something


bigger and better because all you care about is me bailing,


you want to jail and not my college chest. And that was like


the big pivotal moment for me to be like, Su, I gotta get out of


here. Because if I don't get out now, this will be the rest of my


life. And I'm not going to allow her to control how I move. And


so I just did whatever I could and talk about the universe


working in my favor. I met someone that summer that was


going back to Arizona, so I literally caught a ride with


somebody to Arizona, I just packed all everything I could in


his car and went down there. And I you know, I just I had no idea


what was gonna happen or if I was gonna go home one day or


what, but I wasn't gonna sit around and wait to find out what


happens next. I had to take control for myself. Yeah.

Maureen Spielman:

When you think about how, just when we talk

Maureen Spielman:

about that internal healing, and how when we're raised in chaos,

Maureen Spielman:

or the what feels what can feel like abandonment or trauma, I'm

Maureen Spielman:

thinking of all these different words. We do sever our

Maureen Spielman:

connection, and we can go back and talk about attachment to but

Maureen Spielman:

how did that kind of that disconnection from your mom, you

Maureen Spielman:

didn't have your dad in the house Young? Did that. Was that

Maureen Spielman:

starting to show up as you got older in your internal state of

Maureen Spielman:

like, Did it feel? Or how did it feel to you? I guess I would say

Maureen Spielman:

your internal state what was you know, you said that thing about

Maureen Spielman:

when you went to have your first child and kind of your wake up

Maureen Spielman:

around then. But did you know within your own like

Maureen Spielman:

psychological makeup or for your that emotionally, things were

Maureen Spielman:

felt out of alignment for you?


You know, I have to say that God was really good to me


because I always had great people in my life at pivotal


moments. The first two husbands that my mother had, were


actually really great men. And she was just a psycho, crazy


pants. And so I think she hit it really well in the beginning,


and then it would unfold over time and it would explode. But


both of those men were great men, I speak to one of them


today often, um, and I had a really great best friend through


elementary school whose parents were very kind to me, and I


still speak to them. I think God just put really good people in


my life at special times to really hold me close. And I


never felt alone. i My mom and I, I believe my mom abandoned me


a long time ago. And not even that she knew she was doing it.


She was just being selfish and doing whatever she wanted. But


there were other people in my life that really held me close


and allowed my feelings to be heard and seen. So I have a lot


of gratitude for that. When I'm lucky. I consider myself lucky



Maureen Spielman:

Yeah, no, I It's, it's, it's great to have

Maureen Spielman:

those beacons of wisdom. And so that makes me think that into

Maureen Spielman:

this lifetime, you brought a lot of wisdom with you. And it's, I

Maureen Spielman:

feel like it allowed you to, even with the storms that were

Maureen Spielman:

going on around you, this is just my feeling is that you were

Maureen Spielman:

able to move through. Like you're saying, to get to the

Maureen Spielman:

point where you're sitting today to share your story. So when you

Maureen Spielman:

started going down, like oh, there are things to heal here.

Maureen Spielman:

Did what did you start practicing new things and

Maureen Spielman:

pulling new ways of looking within into your life? And

Maureen Spielman:

what's what's been most present or meaningful? You can it can be

Maureen Spielman:

many things?


Um, well, I think we're gonna go down the woowoo. We're


going whoa, now, okay, so I'm not my husband. And our


grandmothers passed away within a couple months of each other.


And both of us loved our grandmothers, because they took


such good care of us. And they, we had special relationships.


One of the things I loved about my husband is that he had such a


great relationship with his grandmother. But once I met my


husband, my spiritual journey actually begun because I started


seeing ghosts and spirits and angels and things were showing


up that I had never seen before. And so like I said earlier, how


it was just kind of thrown in my face, and I had to see it, they


were doing everything they possibly could to get my


attention. And I really think that was the catalyst to


starting all of my healing small in small increments. My I went


to somebody in Sedona, and they said that, why do you have two


clocks? What are the two clocks and I was like, Oh, my husband,


and I have our grandmother's clocks, those, that's the only


thing either one of us asked for from our grandmothers was their


clocks, which is a very random thing to ask for, by the way.


And she was like, Oh, the two of them in heaven coordinated your


timing. And I was like, like, how do you? How do you do that?


Mild, but really, that spiritual journey just opened me up to so


much more. And then it just really started seeing people


digging deeper, realizing what I went through is part of this


journey. You know, I just thought it was like who I was.


And it was my story. But then once I started to, like, get


into it, I was like, Oh, I'm really strong. And I overcame a


lot. And look at me now. And if I can do that, I can move


forward even faster, and harder and stronger. And so it's just


like, unfolded in little increments that I don't even


know how to describe to be honest, yeah,

Maureen Spielman:

no, but just the good friend of mine. She was

Maureen Spielman:

on the podcast, she's an intuitive and a channeler. And

Maureen Spielman:

she was said to me, Maureen, when these things happen, like

Maureen Spielman:

the two grandmas doing this timing together, it's actually

Maureen Spielman:

like they're working really hard on the other side to make that

Maureen Spielman:

happen. And you can imagine, you can like, oh, you know that


that truce bumps? Right.

Maureen Spielman:

So, so that reminds me. Okay, so um, what I

Maureen Spielman:

what I'm hearing you say is that you almost like had these

Maureen Spielman:

downloads or these, maybe your field started to be more open.

Maureen Spielman:

And so then you began to receive messages and guidance, and it

Maureen Spielman:

allowed you to tap into yourself more. And I noticed that on just

Maureen Spielman:

the what Courtney had sent me about the interview topics was

Maureen Spielman:

just the this idea of how life is working in our favor. I think

Maureen Spielman:

it was on your website, because I don't see it here. But that

Maureen Spielman:

whole idea that life is happening for me or your Montra

Maureen Spielman:

being it's everything's working out something like that, right.


Everything's working in our favor, even when we don't


think it is. And I like I I can't say it enough because at


the end of the day, my childhood was all meant to be because It's


put me right here. You know what I mean? And this is a perfect


example of why I say the things I say is, I was gonna have


Easter brunch, and I invited some people over, and somebody


called the day before, and they're like, Oh, we're going to


do this, and then we'll come over, but we'll be late. And for


me, I'm a big party planner. And I love to have everything like


perfect in my house, and it's an environment and it's fun. And I


got off the phone. And normally, I would have like, freaked out


and lost my cookies, and spewed all this negative energy


everywhere. And I got off the phone, and I was like, this is


gonna work out in my favor, everything's gonna be okay. And


the next morning, they showed up on time, they decided to not do


what they had planned to do. And I'm just curious, I had like,


freaked out and done my normal negative spiral. If they


wouldn't have been on time, you know what I mean. But I think


when we change our attitude into thinking, it's actually working


in my favor, yeah, actually does work in our favor.

Maureen Spielman:

Absolutely. And mine. And to be I like to be

Maureen Spielman:

in communication. And when those things align, just to be you and

Maureen Spielman:

I were talking before we hit record today, that pulling in

Maureen Spielman:

and I think the listeners really respond to this, like pulling in

Maureen Spielman:

the playfulness, the joy today's the summer solstice, as we

Maureen Spielman:

record this, right. And I was declaring, I cleared some decks

Maureen Spielman:

for myself this summer. And my, my name for the summer is the

Maureen Spielman:

sacred summer. But part of my intention is around receiving

Maureen Spielman:

and being in the feminine, but also being in the play in the

Maureen Spielman:

joy. And we were just talking about that, like, we can do the

Maureen Spielman:

healing work. But then what about can it be let's just ask

Maureen Spielman:

the question, can we have the playfulness and joy in there?

Maureen Spielman:

Are we going to allow ourselves to have that? Are we going to be

Maureen Spielman:

so bogged down by what the old story is?


Well, I think, I mean, this is such I love this topic.


It's my favorite topic. Because I'm such a goofball. Now. And I


think it's just so important to laugh, because like I said, we


can get in that deep, dark, heavy place, and we can get


stuck there. And I've gotten stuck there before. So I know


it's easy to crawl out of. But the thing that one of the if I


could give anybody a little tip or anything, it would be We love


going to comedy shows comedy shows is one of the things my


husband and I'd love to do as a date night thing, because it


just gets us out of our normal environment. And it makes us


laugh, and is there nothing back then cry laughing That is like


top five favorite things for me? Yes.

Maureen Spielman:

It's such a release, I couldn't agree more.

Maureen Spielman:

And it's funny, because someone that I know, she'll know who it

Maureen Spielman:

is, when she listens, she just went, we're right outside of

Maureen Spielman:

Chicago, but to a magic show, like a magic show, I want to go

Maureen Spielman:

to the magic show. And it's ongoing, but I love the comedy

Maureen Spielman:

show, kind of opportunity or possibility to. And I think that

Maureen Spielman:

what I'm learning a little bit about myself and my journey. And

Maureen Spielman:

like you, I believe vulnerability is where it's at.

Maureen Spielman:

And if we can, I couldn't, hey, these topics that I'm covering

Maureen Spielman:

in this podcast two years ago, forget it. And it's just through

Maureen Spielman:

my evolution. And now I'm like, Oh, we could talk about angels

Maureen Spielman:

and spirit guides and all these things that I would have never

Maureen Spielman:

envisioned I could do that. But I still have that side of me

Maureen Spielman:

that. So that's vulnerable to put out. But I kept myself, this

Maureen Spielman:

is kind of a different side of it in a self imposed, I'm going

Maureen Spielman:

to say jail. Because of some experiences in my life, whether

Maureen Spielman:

they were way in the past or in the last 10 to 20 years, or five

Maureen Spielman:

to 15, whatever. And what I'm realizing is like Maureen,

Maureen Spielman:

you're only perpetrating that against yourself like that. You

Maureen Spielman:

just keep yourself imprisoned. And so it's funny because, I

Maureen Spielman:

mean, this podcast just started in January, but in a way

Maureen Spielman:

listeners will be on the journey with me because I will sometimes

Maureen Spielman:

put things out about myself and I'm not. I'm like, not afraid to

Maureen Spielman:

say like I was full of resentment at one point, like a

Maureen Spielman:

toxic brew of it. But I also I'm also like, Ooh, is that is that

Maureen Spielman:

like a little to you know, edgy, but I think it's all I think we

Maureen Spielman:

set it before we started taping to is that we're all in this

Maureen Spielman:

together. We're all everyone comes from something we have all

Maureen Spielman:

experienced adversity some, you know, the big T trauma, even if

Maureen Spielman:

it was a little T trauma or neglect or whatever it was. And

Maureen Spielman:

so I don't know, I'm just one of those people that are gonna get

Maureen Spielman:

real about it. But oh, When I don't have Yeah, well, I was

Maureen Spielman:

gonna say when I don't have myself imprisoned, guess what? I

Maureen Spielman:

can free. The fun Maureen and the playful inherent side of me.


Well, here's the question. Here's the question


for you have the circle of friends you surrounded yourself


with change?

Maureen Spielman:

Yes, I'd say so in a lot came in the form of

Maureen Spielman:

I have my local friends. And when I've gone through my

Maureen Spielman:

coaching programs, it just was like these people that were

Maureen Spielman:

coming together with the shared interest in the shared just the

Maureen Spielman:

way that we can be with each other. And it's ushering in I

Maureen Spielman:

think, like even our conversation today. I think it's

Maureen Spielman:

ushering in a new femininity, maybe even an upgraded one. And

Maureen Spielman:

where we're really like, we're really in the sisterhood

Maureen Spielman:

together, we're really supporting one another, we

Maureen Spielman:

really, hold on, I always like think about that idea of

Maureen Spielman:

escorting each other souls growth. So I've got your hand as

Maureen Spielman:

much as you have mine, right. And it maybe doesn't even matter

Maureen Spielman:

if we've never met before today. But if we can know in that, and

Maureen Spielman:

just trust in that and surrender to it. It's so beautiful.


Yeah, I've really realized I've had a lot of


relationships just fall to the wayside. And I've had to just


graciously let them go, knowing they weren't serving me any


longer. But I have to be around people that are playful and not


so serious and can take like, you know, the van AC broke, are


we going to sit in here and complain for two hours? Are we


just going to kind of like go on the ride because it is what it


is, we can't do it but I've also the people pleaser came out in


me because I want to be everybody's friend. I want


everybody to like me. And I kind of started to realize that's not


who I am anymore. And I rather have five great friends than 100


Whatever friends, you know, I've really started to like, tighten


up who I really allow in in some ways, because I just don't have


time to waste on people that don't have any interest in


growing or loving or all of the beautiful things that are out



Maureen Spielman:

Does that mean to the word that is coming to my

Maureen Spielman:

mind is boundaries? Have you changed your relationship or

Maureen Spielman:

even learned what one was?


Yeah, I mean, I love boundaries. Boundaries are my


favorite thing. My husband laughs My favorite word is no,


because that's just my instant reaction. Yeah. And he'll come?


Yeah, he'll come back and ask me again, like an hour later, I'll


be like, Okay, I thought about it. And we can do this.

Maureen Spielman:

Right. It's almost like a create. Yeah,

Maureen Spielman:

create space for you, though. Right, to then be disturbed

Maureen Spielman:

about what? Yeah.


Yeah, it creates the best space but to be honest with


you also through this whole journey, and I bet you can


attest to this as well as it's kind of a lonely journey.


Because there's really it's not a shareable kind of thing,


because it's your own personal experiences that you're really


letting go of and moving through. So I actually really


enjoy my alone time a lot and my husband knows when I start to


get a little antsy because I haven't had enough alone time. I


cherished my boundary of alone time and I will not sacrifice


that for anything at this point in time in my life.

Maureen Spielman:

Does that look like the same thing to you every

Maureen Spielman:

day? Or does it kind of vary when you need it in the day do

Maureen Spielman:

you like to set aside a morning I'd have a ritual


my ever will once I take my son to summer camp


because he's at summer camp right now I come home I get my


workout in I do like my tasks around the house, but I blast my


meditation, music, or whatever I want to listen to that morning


as I'm doing all my tasks in the house. So I still am like, flick


my moving meditation in a way and then I'll go outside and


I'll listen to the birds and ground myself. But I really need


that like two hours in the morning to just have like align


with myself connect with myself build myself up for the day and


then we can go full bore but also I don't get that all the


time because we're on vacation or we're home for a week you


know, so I try to get in the mornings but I can't I have to


be we have to be flexible and we have to allow things to happen.


So when I get it I take it yes

Maureen Spielman:

I sometimes have this struggle between I

Maureen Spielman:

want to work out but then if I come down in the morning and

Maureen Spielman:

light some candles and take out either some inspirational

Maureen Spielman:

reading or something to to get me into that vibration that

Maureen Spielman:

feels so aligned. Oh, and then if I start doing some work

Maureen Spielman:

early, I'll be like when do I fit in the workout and I feel

Maureen Spielman:

like it this season of my life. It's a dance between the two and

Maureen Spielman:

I know that I can I can do both. but it's I think we just have to

Maureen Spielman:

see what works best and be willing to go with the flow. And

Maureen Spielman:

I always hear too, that it's good to just have the practices.

Maureen Spielman:

So in the times where you can't access the practices, you're

Maureen Spielman:

your cup is fuller.


Yeah, I just did an Instagram story about it


actually today, because I love to work out. But it hasn't been


a possibility. And so I also have to be easy with myself. And


that won't work out. And I think, if we hold so hard to


like, I have to work out every day. And if I don't work out,


it's done. I love it. I think you're just hurting yourself


just as much as not working out. So you really I really just talk


about, like, Be easy on yourself, if you can make it


happen, make it happen. But if you can't, then we just let it


go. It just needs to be let go. It doesn't need to be held.

Maureen Spielman:

I appreciate you saying that. Because and

Maureen Spielman:

with with everything, right? It's, it's for me. But for

Maureen Spielman:

everything, it's holding it gently. It's desiring, naming

Maureen Spielman:

what's for us, but also just holding it gently. Because

Maureen Spielman:

that's not our kind of souls journey doesn't care how many

Maureen Spielman:

times we work out a week or, I mean, we have to realize that

Maureen Spielman:

some of those are just our humaneness that puts in all like

Maureen Spielman:

the things on our to do list and the shoulds. And yes, they're

Maureen Spielman:

the things that make us feel good. And keep us healthy. But

Maureen Spielman:

we can put some to the side because we have to, I think be

Maureen Spielman:

aware of our conditioning around it all too.


I always say just be easy in time to yourself,


because nothing is perfect. Yeah.

Maureen Spielman:

It's it's a simple. I feel like the word

Maureen Spielman:

pure message. It's Is it a practice for you like when

Maureen Spielman:

you've gone through the years? To hone that voice of support

Maureen Spielman:

and the loving kindness to yourself where more and more and

Maureen Spielman:

more the old voices of any sort of judgment or shame are crowded

Maureen Spielman:

out. And they're replaced by this loving kindness?


Yeah, yeah. Yeah. But if I could rub it off on every


woman, I would, because it is just sometimes I want to shake


my friends and be like, it's gonna be okay, everything's


fine. Just let it go, you know? And I'm like, Yeah, are you


beating your head against the wall over that topic? It doesn't


matter at the end of the day. So that's I always yes, be easy and


kind to yourself is the biggest thing I could give to any woman.


Yeah, do that. So.

Maureen Spielman:

So Jenna, for you now, when you're sort of

Maureen Spielman:

channeling these messages for humankind? What are you working

Maureen Spielman:

as a coach now? Or how does that? Is it showing up in the

Maureen Spielman:

work that you do with other people? Or is it sort of a life

Maureen Spielman:

mantra that you're just bringing out to the masses.


So I did intuitive channeling for two years, and I


enjoyed it. But it is a lot of energy. And it is a large


responsibility. And I just kind of, you know, fizzled out in the


most perfect way, I think possible. And then I created my


positive intention prayer cards that I sell on Etsy. And then I


did a big trauma release last week that I was not expecting.


And God has put on my heart so deeply to write a book about


releasing that generational trauma. So I'm currently in the


midst of writing a book about it. So I'm really excited. I'm


hoping to have it done by the end of the year. That is my


personal goal and holding myself to, but yeah, I don't work with


I just I do Instagram messages and stories. And yeah, you know,


I help in any way I can.

Maureen Spielman:

It's gorgeous to put that light out into the

Maureen Spielman:

world. With your Okay, two questions. Is did the universe

Maureen Spielman:

deliver you the trauma release? Or was it something that you

Maureen Spielman:

were actively working on? Or how did that occur?


Oh, man, I have been feeling out of my skin itchy


uncomfortable for a couple of months now. And I just could not


pinpoint why I was feeling so uncomfortable in my own skin.


And I finally after I had lunch with a friend, and whatever she


told me at lunch just triggered everything. The light bulbs went


off. And I finally understood why I was feeling this weight


and this mind stuff that was just running through me


constantly. And so it was it was a surprise but not a surprise


all at the same time that it unfolded the way it did. But I'm


so relieved that it has unfolded and it is released because I


have never felt lighter and happier than I have in years.


It's like Like going to the chiropractor and not knowing how


much pain you were in, and then he fixes you and you're like,


Wow, I feel amazing what was been. So okay.

Maureen Spielman:

Yeah. Well, I'm so excited about that,

Maureen Spielman:

because I'm thinking, right now, you know, when I first started

Maureen Spielman:

recording the podcast, I kind of had like four or five out. And

Maureen Spielman:

right now in a perfectly fine way, I'm right on top of my

Maureen Spielman:

schedule. And I feel like, I feel like this is meant to be

Maureen Spielman:

aired next week, because I also have just had a release, like in

Maureen Spielman:

the last I'm gonna say, even 24 hours where I was prepping for

Maureen Spielman:

it over the weekend, unbeknownst to me by some work I was doing.

Maureen Spielman:

But I feel like what the solstice but it's curious,

Maureen Spielman:

you're saying that because you're saying it. I'm feeling

Maureen Spielman:

it. I have another woman Misha who was on the podcast just a

Maureen Spielman:

few weeks ago, who was just I saw her on Instagram also doing

Maureen Spielman:

some sort of live about something she's experiencing. So

Maureen Spielman:

there's right now there's a really powerful energy going on,

Maureen Spielman:

that I think is great to amplify out into the world as well. And

Maureen Spielman:



I think the world's at its highest frequency it's ever


been at currently, which is a huge release frequency and let


go up and bring to the surface frequency. So I'm like, Let's go


people I am like, Bring it on. At this point. When a challenge


comes my way. I am excited because I'm just ready to move


through it and move up and move up and move up. So when people


have challenges, like it's fine, let's overcome it. How do we


move through it? Let's go. Well, we're on fast forward. But most



Maureen Spielman:

it's good to speak to a lot of people though,

Maureen Spielman:

because your vibration is very high. I'm laughing at myself

Maureen Spielman:

right now, because I'm sitting, I always record in the basement

Maureen Spielman:

because I've got carpet down here and it's decent background,

Maureen Spielman:

but I brought my legs up into like a crisscross applesauce.

Maureen Spielman:

And I never sit like this for a podcast. And it's kind of like,

Maureen Spielman:

I pulled my legs up. And I'm leaning in like a child. So I

Maureen Spielman:

feel like in a good way, you know what I mean? Like in a

Maureen Spielman:

childlike, playful way. And then the other thing before we

Maureen Spielman:

finishes, so the prayer cards are on Etsy? And did you feel

Maureen Spielman:

like that was like a divine download to or how did that come

Maureen Spielman:

to you and like when you created it.


That was honestly one of the most beautiful moments


I've ever experienced. I I had been doing real estate and my I


was unhappy. And so my husband's like, take a few months off,


just figure out what you want to do next. And we'll we'll move


from there. So I sat every day on my office floor after my son


went to preschool and I would just pray and meditate and


journal and cry. And then the prayer cards came to me. And


then COVID hit and then I was just looking for something to


keep my head in the positive space and not in the down space.


And I couldn't find a prayer that was just really gonna like


me there. And so with COVID ended, I was able to write these


positive intention prayer cards, and I love them because I found


that some of the Bible verse apps were very negative. And the


words they use were very, like dark and sticky to me. And so


all of the prayer cards are written with like positive


intentions, positive words, how do we move forward? What's the


light at the end of the tunnel? And so it was, God desperately


put that one on my heart because it's just something that I love.


And it's been, the response has been beautiful, which is just a


bonus to have. And then for this trauma to happen, and to have


that put on my heart again. I'm like, Okay, now I know what's


next. Because I had been waiting. I've been talking to my


PR girl. I'm like, I don't know, my next move. I don't know, my


next move. And then to move through that trauma and really


see it. I was like, Oh, that's my next move. No, I know. So. So


it always is shown to us just not in the timeframe we like.

Maureen Spielman:

I know. And if we if we can remember, like if

Maureen Spielman:

we can remember. Oh, surrender while you're in it. I can't

Maureen Spielman:

wait. I can't wait to discover their prayer cards. I always put

Maureen Spielman:

all the links to where people can find you in the show notes.

Maureen Spielman:

But in case they don't look your Instagram is Genovese spiritual.

Maureen Spielman:

Oh, Jenna be spiritual. Okay, so I'll put that in the bottom and

Maureen Spielman:

then your Etsy page. Same with the same Yeah. Okay, so it's

Maureen Spielman:

gonna be spiritual. So I will put in your website, all your

Maureen Spielman:

good stuff and any links that you want to share with people.

Maureen Spielman:



then if you see your address, I'll send you some


cards. A wonderful,

Maureen Spielman:

I can't wait to see the cards. I'm so excited

Maureen Spielman:

for them. Yeah, but I thank you so much. It's it's just divine

Maureen Spielman:

timing that you and I got to have this conversation today.

Maureen Spielman:

I'm so happy to know you and share your message with this

Maureen Spielman:

audience. And yeah, any parting words from you that you want to

Maureen Spielman:



Well, thank you for making me not feel alone in my


journey. I appreciate that. Always. I think that we can all


feel very lonely. So I appreciate your love and



Maureen Spielman:

Yeah, yeah, right back out. shoe. Okay,

Maureen Spielman:

thanks to the listeners. We'll see you in the next episode.

Maureen Spielman:

Check out the show notes and we will see you later

Maureen Spielman:

thanks for listening to this episode of mystical sisterhood.

Maureen Spielman:

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Maureen Spielman:

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Maureen Spielman:

I'll see you in the next episode.

Show artwork for Mystical Sisterhood

About the Podcast

Mystical Sisterhood
Mystical Sisterhood is a celebration of women interested in connection to themselves, community, and the Universe. If you are a woman seeking conscious conversations on modern spirituality, understanding your soul’s journey, contemplating new directions in life, and mystical practices, you are in the right place!

The weekly podcast is hosted by Maureen Spielman, a Transformational Life Coach, trained in the Art and Practice of Spiritual Psychology, as well as Integrative Wellness and Conscious Parenting.

Maureen boldly invites the questions we only feel safe enough to ask in the community of other curious women ready to shift the current paradigm and soar. These curated conversations marry what we think of as our mainstream lives with the mystical.

Each episode infuses everyday women with the strength and clarity to rise above the self-limiting beliefs we have all heard on repeat in our heads so we can step into the limitless possibilities for shining and thriving in this lifetime.

Through interviews with healers, intuitives, and other courageous women doing the work of developing our inner lives, Maureen explores how to leave the lack dance behind, reclaim our worthiness, honor our intuition, and let the light in so we can more clearly see the light in others (and ourselves).

If you want to join this global movement of healers and seekers creating a new paradigm convened by an authentic woman who embodies the transformation practices she promotes, subscribe and listen to the Mystical Sisterhood podcast today.

Follow Maureen on Instagram @maureenspielman
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About your host

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Maureen Spielman

Maureen Spielman is the Founder of Mystical Sisterhood, a podcast dedicated to bringing more joy, healing and expansion to the world. She is a seasoned life coach who supports individuals through one-on-one coaching, groups and workshops.